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Types of Reactions Lab. DEMO Observe the magnesium ribbon and describe its physical characteristics in your notebook. When magnesium is placed in a Bunsen.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Reactions Lab. DEMO Observe the magnesium ribbon and describe its physical characteristics in your notebook. When magnesium is placed in a Bunsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Reactions Lab

2 DEMO Observe the magnesium ribbon and describe its physical characteristics in your notebook. When magnesium is placed in a Bunsen burner it will ignite and produce a very brilliant light and leave behind a different compound. The reaction is solid magnesium reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

3 Station 1/ DEMO Add 30 drops of the 1.0 M hydrogen monochloride solution to the test tube. Obtain a small piece of the magnesium ribbon. Add the piece of magnesium into the test tube and LOOSELY cork the test tube. This will cause the gas produced to remain inside the test tube. Light a match, quickly remove the cork and insert the burning match into the test tube. Record your observations of the chemical reaction on your lab paper. What is the name of the gas produced from this reaction? Dispose of the match in the waste beaker along with any leftover magnesium. The liquid can be poured down the sink while running the water. Clean up and reset your station. The reaction is solid magnesium reacts with aqueous hydrogen monochloride to produce aqueous magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

4 Station 2/ DEMO The material inside the goblet (container) is ethyl alcohol (C 2 H 5 OH). The second reactant is oxygen. When C 2 H 5 OH is reacted with oxygen it produces dihydrogen monoxide and carbon dioxide. Carefully light the material in the goblet. Describe what happened in your notebook. Place the watch glass over the goblet to extinguish the reaction. Clean up and reset your station. The reaction is liquid ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH) burns in oxygen gas to produce gaseous carbon dioxide and liquid dihydrogen monoxide 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

5 Station 3 Observe calcium oxide. Measure out 2 mL of dihydrogen monoxide in the graduated cylinder. Add this to the test tube. Insert one red and one blue piece of litmus paper into the test tube. Because dihydrogen monoxide is neutral, they should not change color. Add a small amount of calcium oxide to the water in the test tube. Cork the test tube and shake carefully. What happens? Does the litmus paper change colors? Why? Dispose of the used litmus paper in the waste beaker. Pour the liquid down the sink while running the water. Clean up and reset your station. The reaction is solid calcium oxide reacts with liquid dihydrogen monoxide to produce aqueous calcium hydroxide 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

6 Station 4 Add 20 drops of the 1.0 M copper(II) sulfate solution into the test tube. Add one piece of magnesium ribbon to the test tube and wait 5 minutes. Record any observations and color changes during this experiment in your notebook. Decant the liquid into the sink with running water. Dispose of the solid material in the waste beaker. Clean up and reset your station. The reaction is aqueous copper(II) sulfate reacts with solid magnesium to produce aqueous magnesium sulfate and solid copper 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

7 Station 5 Add 10 drops of the 1.0 M sodium hydroxide solution to the test tube. Add 10 drops of 1.0 M copper(II) sulfate solution to the test tube. Record your observations in your notebook. To clean up, pour the liquid down the sink and discard the solid into the waste beaker. Clean up and reset your station. The reaction is Aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts with aqueous copper(II) sulfate to yield aqueous sodium sulfate and solid copper(II) hydroxide 1.List your evidence of the chemical reaction on your lab paper 2.Write the word equation 3.Balance your equation

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