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How did migrating Hebrew find a homeland? How did religious views affect Hebrew culture?

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Presentation on theme: "How did migrating Hebrew find a homeland? How did religious views affect Hebrew culture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did migrating Hebrew find a homeland? How did religious views affect Hebrew culture?

2  South of Phoenicia  Small strip of land  Canaan  Different people lived there  Assyrians  Babylonians  Egyptians  Persians  Syrians  Hebrews  Ancestors of Jews  Great influence on  Region  History of the world

3  Founder of Hebrews  Abraham  Once lived  Sumer  Left and led people  Through Desert  To  Border of north Canaan  Modern Jews  Trace heritage  Through Abraham and Grandson  Jacob (Israel)  Jacob had  12 sons  Each established  Tribe  12 Tribes of Israel Bible  Story of the Hebrew People

4  Hebrews slaves  400 years  Suffered Greatly  Moses  Great leader  Led Hebrews out of bondage  Exodus  Biblical books tell story  Exodus  Numbers  Deuteronomy  Moses led Exodus  Exodus  Escape of Hebrews from Egypt  Fled  Desert of the Sinai Peninsula  Wandered in the wilderness for years

5  Moses climbed  Top of Mt. Sinai  Returned to Hebrews  Ten Commandments  Ten commandments  Moral Laws of the Hebrew God  Yahweh  Revealed to Moses  1 st 4  Relationship with Yahweh  Rest  Self-restraint, importance of family and human life  Hebrews agreed to follow these laws  Entered into Covenant  Covenant  Solemn Agreement with Yahweh

6  I am the Lord your god who brought you out of Egypt. You shall have no other Gods.  You shall not make or worship idols.  You shall not swear falsely by the name of the Lord your God.  Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.  Honor your father and your mother.  You shall not murder.  You shall not commit adultery.  You shall not steal.  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  You shall not covet your neighbor’s belongings

7  Hebrews from Egypt  Joined  Hebrews from Canaan  Loose confederation of tribes  Bound together by need to maintain  Ark of the Covenant  Ark of the Covenant  Container of Moses’ Tablets  Leaders  “Judges”  Ruled the tribes then  Tasks  Enforce God’s law  Settle Tribe Dispute  Prophets  Leaders  Appeared at special times  Warn people  Do not upset God by ignoring Covenant  Prophets  Predict events

8  Establishing homeland in Canaan  Difficult  Canaanites  Held northern Jordon Valley  Philistines  On southern coast  Both  Resisted Hebrews  Struggle lasted  200 years  Hebrews 1 st conquered  Canaanites  Never completed conquered  Philistines

9  During years of fighting  United under one king  Saul  1 st King to unite Israel  David  Formed new dynasty  Made Jerusalem  Religious and Political Capital  Both  Made covenants with  People and God  Solomon  Israel reached height of  Wealth  Power  Built a good relationships  Other cultures  Example  One Wife  Egyptian Pharoah’s Daughter  Good Trade Relationships  Used riches to build  Magnificent Temple in Jerusalem  Center of religious life and symbol of state and faith

10  900B.C.  10 northern tribes revolted  Split Kingdom in two  Northern  Israel  Southern  Juda  Capital  Jerusalem (By Dead Sea)  Two Hebrew Kingdoms  Divided and lacked strength  722 B.C.  Assyrians conquered Israel  Captured and enslaved Hebrews  527 B.C.  Chaldeans conquered Judah  Destroyed  Jerusalem  Solomon’s Temple  Took Slaves  Cyrus  Persian King conquered Chaldeans  Allowed Hebrews to return to their homeland  Hebrews  Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem

11  Hebrew scriptures tell  Creation of the World  Special Mission of Hebrews  1/3 Scriptures  Hebrew History  “Old Testament”  of the Christian Bible  Rest of Scriptures  Laws  Poetry  Prophecy  Religious Instruction

12  Torah  1 st 5 books of the ‘Old Testament’  Include  Hebrew laws  Mosaic Laws (Moses’)  Include  Ten Commandments  Like Hammurabi’s Code  Eye for an Eye  Placed Higher Value on Human life  Demanded  Kindness  Poor  Death Sentences  Severe Crimes  Adultery  Kidnapping  Treason  Sacrificing to Idols  All people deserve kindness and respect  Prophets  Messengers sent to reveal the will of God  Messages  Basis of Jewish moral and ethical behavior

13  Early Hebrews  Worshiped Yahweh  Only God  Monotheistic  Believed Yahweh  Protected them  From enemies  Provided for them  Food and Water  Those who sinned  They and their children  Suffer  Yahweh  Gentle but, to be feared

14  Understanding of Yahweh  Changed slowly  Came to believe  People had a choice  Between Good and Evil  People are responsible to God  For choices  God allows  Freedom to make choices  God lives  Hearts of worshippers  Humans  Not Yahweh’s slaves  Serve God  Out of love  Gods  More powerful than humans  Human qualities  Hebrews different  Yahweh  Spiritual force  Not as human or nature  Other cultures  Kings representatives of God

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