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+. + Working together to create a legacy of outstanding teaching and learning and exceptional pupil achievement.

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1 +

2 + Working together to create a legacy of outstanding teaching and learning and exceptional pupil achievement.

3 + Relational Tensions – School : HEI ITT School Direct design and delivery PGCE placements CPD NQT leadership Accredited courses Research and development

4 + Relational Tensions – School : School Strategic partners Alliance schools Other schools Teaching Schools (and their alliances)

5 + Relational tensions – LA and other providers Hillingdon LA Other Local Authorities Academy chains National companies e.g. Babcocks Local companies Independent consultants (ex SIPs)

6 + Considerations… ‘New kid on the block’ - and funded! Keep the USP / vision at the core Identify the gaps and the saturation points in the area Secure ongoing communication with all local providers (collaborators and competitors)

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