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IDEA DEVELOPMENT With data from my survey, summary And contextual research By Cory Waredraper.

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Presentation on theme: "IDEA DEVELOPMENT With data from my survey, summary And contextual research By Cory Waredraper."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDEA DEVELOPMENT With data from my survey, summary And contextual research By Cory Waredraper

2 My idea is to make a simple chatting advert between a wide range of different people of different ages so they can communicate with other people and get to know each other and possibly meet up if they are not far apart. The advert will have a feature where if there is a certain interest you can click on that icon it will take you to a part of the advert where different individuals are in a chatroom with people as the same interest as you. If you want to talk in private with one of those people you can just click on their name and click private chat and it will take you to a private conversation to talk with that person. It will save a log of your chat so you can come back to it if you log off. Ideas for explaining the website in an advert

3 9chat 9chat is an app for android or iOS it connects you with people that are close or around the world there are different groups of different interests so if your in to that one thing you can go into that group and talk about that certain interest. If you want to chat with people you simply click on there name or search for them and then just start a conversation with them you can post images or just say things like problems and good things that have gone on in the world. By you posting the content or commenting on peoples images or paragraphs you can connect with random people from nearby or around the world. The whole idea off this app has a similar them to what I want to work on the thing that inspires me from this is the different groups of interests to connect you with people who share the same interest. Contextual research

4 This link takes you to a Nokia advert and the whole idea about this advert that links with mine is just about connecting with people and sending them things to make them smile and making sure you can have good time with other people. What's happening in these images is the mum and the dad are arguing so the kid is watching a video of there happy times together so he gets the idea to send it to the mum and then everything calms down and there all happy.

5 Contextual research Journey is a game for a wide selection of audiences it is a really mysterious game and that’s what attracts all types of people of different ages to it because anybody will want to play a game that has a mystery to it and has no story you make it up as it goes along in your own head you make what you want of it and if different people of different ages play it they will have many ideas to what it could be about

6 Audience research Form my survey on survey monkey When I started this survey I started with the question what is your gender 54.55% said male so the information I take in from that is to make the advert more for boys than girls that came to 45.45%

7 Most of the people I asked how old are you said 17 to 18 but I'm going to make this advert design something that will suit all ages since the statistics on the chart where pretty differenciated 14-16 : 36.36% 17-18 : 54.55% 19-20 : 9.09%

8 All eleven people who took the survey said they live in England so I can make the advert in English so it is only for people who live in England or understand English

9 Only five out of six people answered this question but they all preferred just to chat through messages instead of having FaceTime with people

10 5 of the people who answered this question all like videogames and some other things the other 5 decided to skip the question I should base the advert around games and different genres of game

11 This was the final question I asked and 5 of the people talked quite a bit online and I don’t know about the other 5

12 summary So the whole advert is going to be based around people of all ages so a lot of people can use this website the advert will be in English so people in Britain and people that understand English can watch it. It will show simple chatting between two people over the phone chatting about videogames since most of the audience I am trying to appeal to is guys.

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