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By: Joshua Sabbagh. Chapter 1: why you should play Minecraft/minecraft good people and bad people Chapter 2: info about Minecraft/what are the mob’s.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Joshua Sabbagh. Chapter 1: why you should play Minecraft/minecraft good people and bad people Chapter 2: info about Minecraft/what are the mob’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Joshua Sabbagh

2 Chapter 1: why you should play Minecraft/minecraft good people and bad people Chapter 2: info about Minecraft/what are the mob’s. Chapter 3: what you can build/ the Armory and weapons Chapter 4: making plaints Chapter 5: the mod’s Chapter 6: the map’s Chapter 7:conperison chapter Minecraft vs. uberstrike Glossary

3 Minecraft is a great game to play it has lots of mobs to kill you must build a great house or a mansion with a pool, nether portals, anther portals, end portals, amusement park, and a space shuttle (needs a mod).herobine is the evil lord of minecraft notch is the creator of minecraft.

4 The person that created Minecraft is notch. his dead but alive brother is herobrine who wants revenge from notch but… he was removed from the game. Minecraft mobs can be hostile or non hostile. The hostile mobs are creepers, skeletons, gas t’s, withers, withes, wither skull, slime, spiders, cave spiders, zombies, zombie pigmen, blaze, endermen, ender dragon, and wolves(when they are hit).The non hostile mobs are villagers, wolves (when they are not hit), squids, pig, cows, mooshrooms (not a mushroom), sheep, baby pigs, baby villagers, baby cows, and baby wolves.

5 You can build a dangerous roller costar, a cool time machine, a spanner castle, a zombie apocalypse, a creeper apocalypse, a mansion, a amusement park, a huge pool, and a volcano. And mush more that a cant mention. To get armor you need these items gold, chin, iron, diamond and leather the diamond is the best armor. The weapons are made with gold, iron, diamond, stone and wood the diamond tool are the best tools,gold is the 3 rd best, iron is the 2 nd best, stone tools are the 4 th best, wood tools are the worst.

6 Making planet’s making planets is easy and hard. The things you need are The gravity mod Any wool block You put the gravity block in the center of your plaint (your plaint could be high in the sky) and then it will be like super xy but its in minecraft.

7 The mods upgrade your game my personal favorite is the portal gun mod. The mods add stuff in your game.

8 The maps have stuff like parkor, puzzles and adventure. The maps I know are parkor maps, puzzle maps, and adventure maps. my favorite adventure map is herobrine’s mansion.

9 MINECRAFTUBERSTRIKE minecraft doesn't have guns. minecraft has mods. minecraft has portal guns. minecraft has mobs. minecraft has fighting. uberstrike has guns. uberstrike doesn’t have mods. uberstrike doesn't have portal guns. uberstrike has portals. uberstrike doesn't have mobs. Uberstrike has fighting.

10  Likes video games online games and ipad games  First book or 20 th book  Likes to have fun and ice skate

11  End portals where final battle begins  mobs bad guys  creeper bad guy that explodes  wither awesome boss  anther the haven of Minecraft  gast fly hard to kill

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