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Texas Independence      October 2, 1835 – April 21, 1836.

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1 Texas Independence      October 2, 1835 – April 21, 1836

2 Bell Ringer We’ve studied some of the push and pull factors that prompted some pioneers to head west. Some pioneers headed all the way to Texas, which was Mexican territory at the time. How does this reflect an attitude of Manifest Destiny? Who do you think was living in Texas at the time? How might this lead to conflict?

3 Objective Defend your opinion by providing three reasons why Texans were or were not justified in declaring independence.

4 Map of Mexico in 1821 The most populated areas of northern Mexico were in what’s now known as New Mexico and California There were about 30,000 Mexicans living in New Mexico and 3,500 Mexicans living in California. In both regions, there were more Native Americans than Mexicans

5 Texas and the U.S. Mexican War
1821: Mexico completes its war of Independence, separating from Spain. Anglos (from the U.S.) led by Stephen F. Austin begin settling in the northern Mexican territory of Tejas, invited by the Mexican government in order to encourage economic development. Americans agreed to uphold Mexican Constitution of 1824. 1830: Over 20,000 Anglos have settled in Texas (along with 2000 slaves). This huge influx made Mexico nervous, and they banned further immigration into Texas. Even though slavery had been abolished in Mexico since 1829, they allowed Americans to bring their slaves until (The U.S. didn’t abolish slavery until 1865.)

6 Texas and the U.S. Mexican War
1835: The Mexican Government, led by President Santa Anna, tried to centralize its power and apply Mexican laws throughout the country. This meant that Texans could no longer have slaves. Sam Houston led the Texans in declaring rebellion against the Mexican government. President Santa Anna is furious, declares all-out war on the Texas rebels, leading the Mexican army personally. 1836: Santa Anna’s Brutality at the Alamo and Goliad become a rallying cry for the Anglo Texans. Texan rebellion is successful, the Independent Republic of Texas is formed.

7 Texas and the U.S. Mexican War
Texas becomes the lone-star republic In 1837 Texas decided they wanted to join the U.S. as a slave state. Texas went from… Mexican Territory Independent Republic U.S. Territory

8 Primary Source Activity
Directions: 1. Read primary source documents A, B, and C and fill out the corresponding sections in your graphic organizer. Document A has been done for you and serves as a model. You may work with a partner. 2. Defend your opinion in three reasons why Texans were or were not justified in declaring independence.

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