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REVIEW AND NEW What we’ve done and what we are going to do.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW AND NEW What we’ve done and what we are going to do."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW AND NEW What we’ve done and what we are going to do

2 Review Analysis search for understanding, frame of mind, detective work CSI English “event/aka idea”, observe (brainstorming), collect evidence (experiences, textual, visual, five senses), analyze and test (toolkit of analytical methods), draw conclusions

3 Review Five analytical moves – 1. Suspend judgment  Ask about something that is puzzling – don’t know the answers 2. Define significant parts and how they are related  Observation, details  Break it down…what is it made of?  How do these parts help me understand the meaning of the subject as a whole? 3. Make the implicit explicit  Meanings aren’t necessarily hidden but aren’t always obvious.  Provide evidence, examples – be specific, concrete  Tell what you mean – don’t expect your audience to see it your way without being as precise as you can.  Limited only by your ideas and what you can locate as evidence in the artifact (subject) you are working with.

4 Review Five analytical moves – 4.Look for patterns  Repetition is a sign of emphasis.  Look for binary oppositions – contrast, pair of elements that are essentially opposites -- can be words, can be ideas  Look for anomalies – something that doesn’t seem to fit the patterns you’ve identified. Don’t necessarily avoid info that doesn’t fit a pattern, don’t ignore evidence, investigate something that doesn’t fit the prevailing theory. 5.Keep reformulating questions and explanations  Learning how to frame questions – different disciplines look at same event from different perspectives, experiences are different, why?  Test your ideas, evidence, and conclusions  Trial and error

5 Review Toolkit of analytical methods  Paraphrase x 3  Notice and focus o Observation – Notice details o Interesting, Significant, Revealing, Strange  10 on 1 o Better to have one idea (single best example) and make 10 observations about your idea  Freewriting, passage based or focused freewriting

6 Review Rhetorical Analysis  Examine the various elements that work together to form a convincing and persuasive argument.  Rhetorical Situation Author Purpose of author Audience Topic Context  Rhetorical Appeals Logos - facts Ethos - credibility Pathos - emotion

7 NEW - The Method Step 1: Locate exact repetitions  Identical or nearly identical words or details  Count and document the number times each repeats Step 2: Locate strands and name the connecting logic  Not exact repetitions  Same or similar kind of detail or word  What makes the strand a strand? Step 3: Locate binary oppositions  Details, ideas, words  Select most important ones that are organizing contrasts

8 The Method Step 4: Rank the data within your lists  Most important repetitions, strands, and binaries  Top 3 of each  Select only 1 (of all) and then write a paragraph that explains your choice as central to understanding whatever you have been observing. Step 5: Search for anomalies  Data that doesn’t seem to fit the dominant patterns  Only become evident after you establish a pattern  Consider other possible explanations  Keeps you from being stuck or limited

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