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A Troubled Economy. The Uber Rich Andrew Carnegie: Rags to riches Started out working for the railroad then made dividends through stock Started up Carnegie.

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Presentation on theme: "A Troubled Economy. The Uber Rich Andrew Carnegie: Rags to riches Started out working for the railroad then made dividends through stock Started up Carnegie."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Troubled Economy

2 The Uber Rich Andrew Carnegie: Rags to riches Started out working for the railroad then made dividends through stock Started up Carnegie Steel in 1899 Vertical integration Horizontal integration Social Darwinism

3 The super Uber rich! John D. Rockefeller: The son of a swindler Robber Baron Standard Oil went from 2-90% of refining business Low wages to break competition and then raise prices J.P. Morgan: bought out Carnegie steel to own a monopoly on steel industry 498 dollars to 23 million

4 Rich people with a heart At the end of his life Carnegie donated 90% of his wealth which still funds many scholarships in arts and education. Rockefeller helped establish the University of Chicago and gave away 500 million bucks. Created a medical facility that discovered many new cures including a cure for yellow fever.

5 Won’t someone think of the children?! Children as young as 5 years old might work at some of the factories during the industrial process. They could work up to 14 hour days. No workman’s compensation, no disability, 7 day weeks of 12 hours plus. No holidays, no vacation! Bad work conditions

6 GOVT. to the Rescue... Sherman Anti-Trust Act: Said that no one person or company could maintain a monopoly of a necessary good. Hard to prosecute 7/8 major cases were thrown out. Debate is this ok? Should the government be able to step in and tell you how to run your own business?

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