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“The Slump” BY: John Updike “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” BY: Ambrose Bierce Google Images.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Slump” BY: John Updike “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” BY: Ambrose Bierce Google Images."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Slump” BY: John Updike “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” BY: Ambrose Bierce Google Images

2 John Updike Born on March 18, 1932 Died on January 27, 2009- my birthday American Novelist Grew up near a town called Shillington He was influenced by his mother Attended Harvard Updike married Mary E. Pennington and had 4 children

3 Career 1960- Rabbit, Run 1971- Sequel to Rabbit, Run 1990- Last Rabbit, Run novel – Pulitzer prize

4 “The Slump” 1968 Characters – The baseball player – The baseball players wife – The coach – Setting- Major league Baseball field Major Events

5 Themes and Criticism “The Slump” from John Updike’s 1972 collection museums and women, provided readers with a change, says David Kelly Adversity Ineffectiveness Worthlessness Failure-most seen

6 Ambrose Bierce Born on June 24, 1842 Died on December 26, 1913 He was an American… Born at Horse Cave Creek in Megis County, Ohio Was the tenth of 13 children Left home at the age 15

7 Ambrose Bierce Enlisted in the army 1862- commissioned First Lieutenant Bierce married Mary Ellen Day 3 Children

8 Career Editor in local newspaper in San Francisco After the army, he became an editor in a newspaper Went to England for 3 years 1879-1880, he was a local manager for a mining company 1887-1906 he started writing for a newspaper This was the last thing he did before he died

9 “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” 1891 Characters – Peyton Farquhar – Farquhar’s wife – The Northern Scout – The sergeant – Setting- Owl Creek Bridge and river

10 “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Major Events – Plan to burn the bridge – Hanged – Escaping down river – Being shot at – Waking up from his dream

11 Themes of Ambrose Bierce’s Works Death Distortion of time Deception

12 Similarities Failure Nervous about what they have to do

13 Differences About two completely different things Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge- 3 rd person The Slump- 1 st person Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge- told inside dream The Slump is told from inside a man’s head


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