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Principle Simulations for Detector Concepts at HESR Goals Methods Current Status Application to p + p   ´(3686) GSI Workshop on its Future Facility 18.10.2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Principle Simulations for Detector Concepts at HESR Goals Methods Current Status Application to p + p   ´(3686) GSI Workshop on its Future Facility 18.10.2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principle Simulations for Detector Concepts at HESR Goals Methods Current Status Application to p + p   ´(3686) GSI Workshop on its Future Facility 18.10.2000 J.Ritman Uni. Gießen

2 Goals Fast Simulation Environment Able to evaluate many different configurations and do multiple iterations Correct Kinematics Background Evaluation Determine the required resolution and rate capabilities Study trigger concepts (e.g.  -Cha, RICH, multiplicity jump near vertex)

3 Methods ROOT as framework PLUTO++ as event generator (Marios Kagarlis) Pseudo-Tracking –Correct treatment of motion and decays in magnetic fields. –Parameterizations of detector efficiencies and resolutions.

4 HESR Detector Concept

5 Results for p p   ´(3686) Signal: (235 nb) p + p   ´  e + e - (0.88%)  +  - (1.03%) J/  +  - (31%) J/  2  o  (18.2%) J/  (2.7%) 2  + 2  -  0 (0.35%) 2  + 2  -  0 (0.3%) Background: (  tot =56mb)  +  -  (4  b)  +  - +  o  (40  b)  +  - +  (5  b)  +  - +  o  (15  b)  +  - +   (60  b)  +  - +  (10  b)  +  - +  o  o (200  b)  +  - +  +  - (30  b)  +  - +  o  +  - (400  b)

6 Muon Phase Space Distributions J/   +  - Generated Detected ‘+-‘+-

7 Expected Signal for 1 pb -1 Combinatorial background in events with  ‘ formation

8 Background from  and  Decay (  are mostly stopped before they decay) P(  ) ~ 0.004

9 Kaon Identification Reaction: p(8.5GeV)+p  X(M=4.4GeV)  J/  + 

10 Conclusions Simulations group being formed Fast simulation package exists 1st iteration for HESR detector Connection to GEANT4 being implemented (V.Hejny FZ-Jülich)

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