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Alcohol Chapter 22. Facts about Alcohol Alcohol is more accurately known as ETHANOL. ETHANOL= the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages, and is a powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "Alcohol Chapter 22. Facts about Alcohol Alcohol is more accurately known as ETHANOL. ETHANOL= the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages, and is a powerful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alcohol Chapter 22

2 Facts about Alcohol Alcohol is more accurately known as ETHANOL. ETHANOL= the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages, and is a powerful and addictive drug. Ethanol can be produced synthetically and naturally through FERMENTATION of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Fermentation is the chemical action of yeast on sugars.

3 Facts Continued At first drinking alcohol you get a energy “rush”. This “rush” masks the true effects of a depressant. Depressant- a drug that slows the central nervous system. Drinking affects a persons motor skills by slowing reaction time and impairing vision. Clear thinking, good judgment also deminish.

4 Intoxication The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced.

5 Factors That Enhance Intoxication A persons body size Amount of food in the body The rate of intake of alcohol


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