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Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20051.

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Presentation on theme: "Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20051."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20051

2 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20052 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA First results from the Compendium survey 2005 + an attempt to show some trends…

3 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20053 Structure of talk What is the TERENA Compendium? Some warnings ‘Cross-cutting issue’: digital divide Some odds and ends (budgets, schools, IPv6) Traffic Bandwidth & related Grids Dark fibre A look at what lies ahead

4 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20054 What is the TERENA Compendium? Effort to collect basic data about all NRENs in Europe and surrounding countries Trial started in 2000, first ‘real’ edition out in 2001 Constant improvements in design, under guidance of a review panel of NREN experts 2005 will be the 5 th edition Part of the GN2 project

5 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20055 One view of the data… The Compendium Review Panel (Lajos Bálint, Marko Bonač, Urs Eppenberger, Sabine Jaume-Rajaonia, Peter Kaufmann, Mike Norris) will go through the data and identify major trends – so this attempt here is indeed only tentative There is a mass of data – so this is of necessity a selection Even though the data has been checked, some problems only appear when you really start to work with the data, so some more double- checking may be needed

6 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20056 Budgets fluctuate. Doing more with the same or less money NREN budgets, EU/EFTA countries, 2003 - 2005 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Budget 2003 Budget 2004 Budget 2005 Other countri MEUR DFNUKERNA SURFnetGARR RENATERSUNET RedIRISHEAnet GRNETBELNET SWITCHHUNGARNET UNINETTFCCN CESNETARNES UNI-CSANET RESTENALATNET CYNETRHnet Other countries

7 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20057 Budgets – other countries NREN budgets, other countries, 2003 - 2005 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Budget 2003Budget 2004Budget 2005 MEUR KRENA-AKNET RENAM OSI-AF/Azerbaijan GRENA IST Foundation BASNET AMREJ IUCC RoEduNet RBNet/RUNNet CERIST CARNet ULAKBIM

8 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20058 Schools FCCN Portugal: now connects 7500 primary schools, 1700 secondary schools GRNET Greece: connects 7969 primary schools, 3536 secondary schools RBNet/RUNNet Russia: now connects 5000 secondary schools

9 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 20059 Schools … and GARR is starting as well Look at the UNI-C model?

10 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200510 IPv6 – is it happening? 15% 3%

11 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200511 IPv6 – is it happening?

12 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200512 IPv6 – is it happening? Predicted % of traffic that is IPv6, 2007 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 Belgium Netherlands Romania Ireland Finland Portugal Switzerland Slovakia Luxembourg Serbia/Montenegro Hungary Norway Sweden Greece Spain Italy % 2007 2005

13 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200513 Traffic ‘T3’ ≈ outbound external traffic ‘T4’ ≈ inbound external traffic

14 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200514 Is traffic growth slowing? 1.2. times as much 6.8 times as much Median = 2.7 times as much

15 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200515 Traffic growth: natural? E-mail from Paavo Ahonen, FUNET: “Last year was really exceptional for Funet. Our traffic decreased for the first time in our 20-year history. The reason is that some universities started to filter traffic, that they suspect to include illegal copyrighted material. Another motivation was our charging policy, which punishes heavy users. So there is no error in our figures.”

16 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200516 Is traffic growth slowing? 2.3 times as much 30 times as much Median = 5.4 times as much

17 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200517 Universities and bandwidth, 2005 Number of connected universities and bandwidth, EU/EFTA countries, 2005 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 CYNET UNINETT CSC RESTENA HEAnet RHnet ARNES EENet UNI-C BELNET GRNET LITNET FCCN LATNET NIIF/HUNGARNET LANET SWITCH CESNET SUNET FUNETSANET SURFnet RedIRIS DFN GARR PIONIER UKERNA RENATER 10 Gb/s and above Between 1 and 10 Gb/s Less than 1 Gb/s Up to 100 Mb/s Up to 10 Mb/s Up to 2 Mb/s ISDN or lower Is there a digital divide in France?

18 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200518 Universities and bandwidth, 2005 Number of connected universities and bandwidth, EU/EFTA countries, 2005 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 CYNET UNINETT CSC RESTENA HEAnet RHnet ARNES EENet UNI-C BELNET GRNET LITNET FCCN LATNET NIIF/HUNGARNET LANET SWITCH CESNET SUNET FUNETSANET SURFnet RedIRIS DFN GARR PIONIER UKERNA RENATER 10 Gb/s and above Between 1 and 10 Gb/s Less than 1 Gb/s Up to 100 Mb/s Up to 10 Mb/s Up to 2 Mb/s ISDN or lower Transition to 1 Gb well underway or completed Starting the transition to 1Gb for Universities Starting the transition to 10 Gb!

19 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200519 Universities and bandwidth, 2005 – (the digital divide continued) Number of connected universities and bandwidth, other countries, 2005 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 AzNET SHERN AMREJ KazRENA RENAM IUCC BASNET GRENA MARNet MARWAN AzRENA KRENA-AKNET IST Foundation URAN CERIST RoEduNet ULAKBIM UzSciNet RBNet/RUNNet CARNet 10 Gb/s and above Between 1 and 10 Gb/s Less than 1 Gb/s Up to 100 Mb/s Up to 10 Mb/s Up to 2 Mb/s ISDN or lower

20 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200520 A closer look… Number of connected universities and bandwidth, selected other countries, 2005 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AMREJRENAMMARNet 10 Gb/s and above Between 1 and 10 Gb/s Less than 1 Gb/s Up to 100 Mb/s Up to 10 Mb/s Up to 2 Mb/s ISDN or lower

21 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200521 For the EU/EFTA countries, congestion is now rather at the Campus level

22 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200522 One way of looking at the digital divide: congestion

23 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200523 Grid services are here! Green = currently running over the NREN’s network Orange = planning to Introduce or facilitate Grid services over the next year or two Red = no services, no plans Grey = no response

24 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200524 Who is providing Grid services? Number of NRENs The NREN6 Institutions with NREN support 15 Institutions alone2 Discipline based distributed groups or Virtual Organisations 1 Other1 Total25

25 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200525 Dark Fibre – owned, IRUs or leased EU/EFTA countries - now EU/EFTA countries – 2007 Other countries – now Other countries - 2007 None7454 ≤ 5 %315 ≤ 25 %4423 ≤ 90 %233 100 %1014810 Total2620

26 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200526 What does this add up to? +Dark fibre available and being used +Grid services are here or are on their way +(Certain) users experience congestion, although we have bandwidth now = Surfnet suggestion for the Compendium 2006: “Please add questions on light path and light path usage.”

27 Bert van Pinxteren TERENA Networking Conference, 6 June 200527 To be continued… The Compendium Review Panel (Lajos Bálint, Urs Eppenberger, Sabine Jaume-Rajaonia, Peter Kaufmann, Mike Norris) will go through the data and identify major trends We hope the Compendium 2005 will contain a number of paragraphs that highlight major trends and developments … those could be different from what I have just presented, of course Printed version planned for September 2005 Comments / feedback welcome

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