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Building Leadership Team October 5, 2010 Whip Around: Share one positive thing from your morning LbD session and one take away from the afternoon sessions.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Leadership Team October 5, 2010 Whip Around: Share one positive thing from your morning LbD session and one take away from the afternoon sessions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Leadership Team October 5, 2010 Whip Around: Share one positive thing from your morning LbD session and one take away from the afternoon sessions

2 Agenda Review of Course Proposals, Changes and Deletions Review of Course Proposals, Changes and Deletions How will you talk as a department about teacher recommendations for courses? How will you talk as a department about teacher recommendations for courses? How will you plan for vertical articulation of concepts and skills? How will you plan for vertical articulation of concepts and skills? How do you norm so that you know expectations are similar from class to class? How do you norm so that you know expectations are similar from class to class?

3 Goal #1 North High students will be prepared for an ever-changing world and therefore will understand and respond to those challenges. They will: North High students will be prepared for an ever-changing world and therefore will understand and respond to those challenges. They will: communicate effectively using verbal, written, and technological means for various audiences and purposes communicate effectively using verbal, written, and technological means for various audiences and purposes problem solve using creative and thoughtful methods problem solve using creative and thoughtful methods transfer their prior learning to new demands transfer their prior learning to new demands

4 Goal #2 North High students will be capable, confident and self-directed learners. They will : North High students will be capable, confident and self-directed learners. They will : request opportunities to learn beyond what is required request opportunities to learn beyond what is required transfer their learning to new situations in an out of school transfer their learning to new situations in an out of school pursue a personal direction based on an understanding of their talents and interests pursue a personal direction based on an understanding of their talents and interests persist as learners with confidence in their skills and abilities persist as learners with confidence in their skills and abilities perform proficiently on national, state and local assessments perform proficiently on national, state and local assessments

5 Goal #3 North High students will be curious, creative, critical thinkers. They will: North High students will be curious, creative, critical thinkers. They will: recognize patterns and connections in order to create thoughtful solutions recognize patterns and connections in order to create thoughtful solutions read, listen and respond as critical consumers of information and ideas read, listen and respond as critical consumers of information and ideas seek to understand multiple perspectives seek to understand multiple perspectives discover and evaluate patterns and relationships in information, ideas and structures discover and evaluate patterns and relationships in information, ideas and structures reason inductively from a set of specific facts and deductively from general premises reason inductively from a set of specific facts and deductively from general premises

6 Goal #4 North High students will be socially responsible people. They will: North High students will be socially responsible people. They will: act upon their responsibility to others act upon their responsibility to others act out of a strong sense of personal, social and civic responsibility act out of a strong sense of personal, social and civic responsibility create a climate of non-violence, peace and social justice create a climate of non-violence, peace and social justice make choices that support a healthy and responsible lifestyle make choices that support a healthy and responsible lifestyle work skillfully with others to achieve common goals work skillfully with others to achieve common goals seek to understand the views, values and cultures of others seek to understand the views, values and cultures of others

7 What is your plan for Oct 19 early release development time? What is your plan for Oct 19 early release development time? Upcoming BLT meetings-Oct 19 and Nov 9: Data Protocol and Unit Plan Tuning Upcoming BLT meetings-Oct 19 and Nov 9: Data Protocol and Unit Plan Tuning

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