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INSTITUUT VOOR KERN- EN STRALINGSFYSICA 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles1 Present status of WITCH experiment Valentin Kozlov.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUUT VOOR KERN- EN STRALINGSFYSICA 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles1 Present status of WITCH experiment Valentin Kozlov."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTITUUT VOOR KERN- EN STRALINGSFYSICA 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles1 Present status of WITCH experiment Valentin Kozlov Euro-Summer School on Exotic Beams, 13-19 September

2 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles2 WITCH team F. Ames, D. Beck, G. Bollen, J. Deutsch, W. Quint, K.Reisinger and the NIPNET Collaboration M.Beck, B.Delauré, V.Kozlov, A.Lindroth and N.Severijns V.Golovko, I.Kraev, T.Phalet and S.Versyck KO Physics motivation Principle of experiment Experimental set-up Expected results Current status

3 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles3 Physics motivation Weak Interactions:Standard Model: V-A interaction 95%CL e+e+ e nucleus  pure Fermi decay  - correlation:

4 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles4 Vector ++ e Scalar ++ e Vector Recoil energy spectrum (eV) WITCH principle Recoil energy !

5 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles5 Penning Trap Cooler Trap Decay Trap Differential pumping Buffer gas inlet Spectrometer REXTRAP

6 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles6 Retardation !! probes velocity component parallel to electric field !! conversion of radial into longitudinal kinetic energy necessary retardation counter retardation potential we use “inverse” magnetic mirror: decay trap in 9T –field, retardation in 0.1T field Energy Conversion:

7 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles7 Experimental set-up REXTRAP Horizontal beam transport 90  bender Pulsed drift tube Cooler trap Decay trap 9T magnet 0.1T magnet Radial into axial motion conversion  -detector Post acceleration Energy analysis by retardation Einzellens Detector (MCP)

8 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles8 Charged states

9 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles9 Full Spectrum

10 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles10 Achievable Precision

11 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles11 Current status

12 18-September-2002Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles12 Isolde hall

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