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Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 Over the Air Database Access for Mode 2 Capable Devices Slide 1 Santosh Abraham, Qualcomm Incorporated.

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Presentation on theme: "Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 Over the Air Database Access for Mode 2 Capable Devices Slide 1 Santosh Abraham, Qualcomm Incorporated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 Over the Air Database Access for Mode 2 Capable Devices Slide 1 Santosh Abraham, Qualcomm Incorporated Date: 2010-11-02 Authors:

2 Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 OTA Database Access for Mode 2 Capable AP/STA Motivation: –TVWS devices operating in Mode 2 require database access to Retrieve available channels for the current location (at least once every 24hrs ) Mode 1 device enablement functions: FCC ID check for Mode 1 devices requesting enablement –Database access may impose a separate MAC/PHY technology for internet access to the database. Could incur additional costs for Mode 2 capable devices that primarily function as devices in an intranet. Objective: –Design protocol and messaging to enable Mode 2 capable devices to access database via a neighboring Mode 2/Fixed device Avoid requiring association for database access. –Database access is required sporadically. –Use Public Action Frames to avoid need for association RLQP can be extended to serve this purpose Slide 2 Qualcomm Incorporated

3 Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 OTA Database Access Procedure A Mode 2 device indicates “Database access capable (DBAC)” in the beacon –Option for indicating capability are discussed later. Step 1: De-enabled Mode 2 capable STA first obtains enablement to operate in Mode 1 –All enablement procedures for Mode 1 enablement must be followed. Step 2: When enabled as Mode 1 device –Transmit database query messages to database through DBAC Mode 2 device. –Database query messages carried in RLQP frames. Slide 3 Qualcomm Incorporated Device Un- enabled Device enabled for Mode 1 operation using neighboring Mode 2 device Transmit requests for channel at current location to database through Mode 2 device. Move to Mode 2 state when channel map is obtained Mode 1Mode 2

4 Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 RLQP Extension for OTA Database Access Features to be added: –Information Elements (IEs) to be added to RLQP IE for capability query/response –For database access capabilities, separate query response is required. Note: Beacon only indicates that device is RLQP capable. Does not indicate capability options within RLQP IE indicating capability of OTA database access: –Using Vendor specific IEs with indications defined by the database vendors. IE to carry the query and response Slide 4 Qualcomm Incorporated

5 Submission November 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/1237r0 Message Formats for OTA Database Access Database Query/Response Messages sent in an RLQP IE: –Info ID: Set to Database/Query Response –Requestor STA Address, –Responder STA Address –Reason Code field For Query messages: set to “Database Query” For Response messages: –Response from database –database inaccessible, no response from database etc. –Enablement Identifier: Set to identifier obtained with Mode 1 Enablement –Database Identifier: Can contain URL/IP address for the Data base Database vendor specific identifier. –Security encapsulated Message to be carried to/from the database. Contents of the Security Encapsulated Database query and response messages will depend on exact protocol between a querying Mode 2 capable STA and the database and are TBD. Slide 5 Qualcomm Incorporated

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