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Adjectives Describe nouns Tell size, color, material, or how many Tell how something sounds Tell how something feels.

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2 Adjectives

3 Describe nouns Tell size, color, material, or how many Tell how something sounds Tell how something feels

4 Examples: big blue butterfly loud rock music warm, fuzzy bathrobe

5 Can you find the adjectives in these sentences? 1. I found some simple recipes in a magazine. 2. One recipe was for delicious chocolate cookies. 3. It was an easy recipe to follow. 4. I decorated my special cookies with colorful M&Ms.

6 Now you try to add some adjectives. 1. Maria put on her ____________ _____________ sweater. 2. Jose likes to eat ___________ ____________ peaches. 3. The dress was made of _________ ___________ material.

7 Here are some examples of adjectives you might have used. 1. Maria put on her warm pink sweater. 1. Maria put on her green alpaca sweater. 2. Jose likes to eat juicy ripe peaches. 2. Jose likes to eat fresh juicy peaches. 3. The dress was made of cotton flowered material. 3. The dress was made of beautiful satin material.

8 Try to use adjectives to make your writing more interesting. Use your dictionary or use the list of synonyms in your folder to make your vocabulary grow. Good luck!

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