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BY LIAM O'FLAHERTY “The Sniper”. Civil War Noun Definition: a war between political factions or regions within the same country The American Civil War.

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2 Civil War Noun Definition: a war between political factions or regions within the same country The American Civil War (1861-1865) The Iraq Civil War The Syrian Civil War

3 The Irish Civil War 1920s Cause: Opposition to Anglo-Irish Treaty

4 armored Adjective Definition: a metal protective covering

5 turret Noun A dome-like military covering, usually armed with guns; also, a small tower

6 report Noun Definition: a loud noise, as from an explosion

7 ascetic adjective Definition: serious or austere; rigorously self- disciplined

8 parapet Noun Definition: low wall along the edge of the roof, to protect the roof

9 tattered Adjective Definition: old and worn

10 gutter Noun Definition: a place close to the edge of the road

11 ruse Noun Definition: trick

12 paroxysm Noun Definition: a fit of violent action or emotion

13 flask Noun Definition: a flat metal or glass bottle for carrying in the pocket

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