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The Sacred Landscape By: Maxwell, Delaney, Jean-luc, Nathanial, Evan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sacred Landscape By: Maxwell, Delaney, Jean-luc, Nathanial, Evan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sacred Landscape By: Maxwell, Delaney, Jean-luc, Nathanial, Evan

2 The Sacred landscape – According to legend the Aztec’s made decisions on where they should live by their god Huitzilopochtli – Religion was very important in the Aztec lifestyle, religious views affected the Aztec attitude towards themselves and others on how it affected themselves in their place in the world.

3 Aztec Gods – It was believed that Aztec gods controlled every aspect of the world and what they believed in. – The Aztecs looked to the gods for signs on how to live a peaceful lifestyle. – Although the Aztecs had many gods they believed some where greater then others.

4 Aztec Gods – Huitzilopochtli ~ encouraged Aztecs to leave their ancestors homeland and settle in the valley in Mexico. Believed he needed the blood of sacrificial victims to give him strength. He was Aztecs tribal god and had warlike aspects – Tezcatlipoca ~ The most powerful of the gods, his name means “smoking mirror.” Was named this from the black mirror he used to see visions of the future. Also known as night sky. Locked into an eternal struggle with the god Huitzilopochtli. – Quetzaloatl~ The god of wind. His name means “feathered serpent” the priests offered him flowers, incense and birds. He left Mexico after a fight he had with another god Tezcatlipoca. He sailed around to the east on a raft of snakeskins. Prophesied that he would come back from the east brining the destruction to the Aztec empire. – Tlaloc~ The god of rain. He could unleash deadly floods or stop rainfall for years causing drought and famine. The Aztecs feared him because

5 Human Sacrifice – Out of all the aspects of the Aztec worldview, the most insane practice was human sacrifices. – It was believed that the victims blood nourished to the gods and with out it the gods would become sick and die. – It was also greatly appreciated for you to be sacrificed to the gods during a ceremony. – Also two men would battle to the death and the winner would be greatly appreciated by their hearts being given to the gods. –

6 Aztec Calendars The Aztecs created calendars that emphasized close connection between the people, gods, and the sacred and physical landscapes. According to the legend the Aztecs actually had two calendars, a solar calendar and a sacred calendar. The sacred calendar was 260 days long and was said that it took 52 years for the sacred calendar to catch up to the solar calendar. There was a stone calendar which was carved in the mid-1400’s and was dedicated to a Huitzilopochtli. The calendar represented how world began and how it would end. According to legend the Aztec believed there was 4 eras before them but each one was destroyed. The first one was destroyed by jaguars, while the second and third were destroyed by hurricanes and fiery rain, and the last one was destroyed by a flood.

7 Tenochtitlan: The Centre Of The World – According to Aztec philosophers they believed the earth was a flat disc divided into four sections and in the middle. – The Aztecs believed that the god assigned them a specific, and special place in the universe. – Along with the earth, the city was divided into four sections which symbolized the four directions. The middle of the city was a large square where a temple was placed. – Aztec believed that the gods lived in the skies.

8 Quiz! – True or false – 1) It was greatly appreciated to be sacrificed during ceremony's – 2) The blood of the sacrificed human nourished the gods and kept them alive, without it the gods would die – 3) The people weren't all that close to Aztec gods and the gods didn’t influence their lifestyle

9 Quiz Answerers – 1) T – 2) T – 3) F

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