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Rodent Research-1 POIWG #35 Splinter. ARC Rodent Research (RR) Points of Contact Mission Overview On-orbit Operations Rodent Research Flight Rules Off-Nominal.

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Presentation on theme: "Rodent Research-1 POIWG #35 Splinter. ARC Rodent Research (RR) Points of Contact Mission Overview On-orbit Operations Rodent Research Flight Rules Off-Nominal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rodent Research-1 POIWG #35 Splinter

2 ARC Rodent Research (RR) Points of Contact Mission Overview On-orbit Operations Rodent Research Flight Rules Off-Nominal Overview POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center2 Agenda

3 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center3 RR Points of Contact Cecilia Wigley NASA RR Operations and Integrations Lead 650-604-3019 Marla Smithwick Lockheed RR Operations Lead 650-604-5760 Ann Kapusta Lockheed RR Operations Engineer 650-604-0612 Ryan Fisher Lockheed RR Operations Engineer 650-604-4524

4 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center4 Mission Overview Rodent Research 1 has two different investigations using a total of 20 mice – NASA (10 mice) Objectives: – Validate hardware can deliver and maintain healthy animals – On-orbit activities can be performed – Assess RNA quality in fixed samples (spleen) – Perform biochemical quality of frozen samples (liver) – Compare carcass weights to the body weights of mice prior to launch – CASIS (10 mice) The CASIS experiment flies two different strains of mice: – 5 mice lack a gene involved in muscle wasting (Knockout (KO)) – 5 mice are control mice (Wild Type (WT)) Objectives: – Evaluate muscle atrophy under microgravity conditions – Focuses on the lower limbs (hindlimbs) – Assess molecular changes

5 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center5 On-Orbit Operations The objectives for both investigations on RR1 will be accomplished on an 30 day (approximate) mission RR1 will launch on SpX4 with samples and hardware returning on SpX4 and SpX5 All twenty mice will launch in 1 Transporter on SpX4 and will be transferred to 2 Habitats (10 mice each) for 30 day habitation on-orbit All RR1 activities required 60 hours of crewtime – Currently scheduled for Increment 39/40 – Requires 2 crew members (Swanson, Wiseman)

6 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center6 RR1 On-Orbit Timeline

7 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center7 On-Orbit Sessions (1 of 5) Animal Transfer SchedulingNo later than 48 hours from Dragon hatch opening No later than 10 days from animal load into Transporter Crew Time4.5 Hours Number of Crew2 DescriptionUsing the Access Unit 20 mice will be transferred from the Transporter into two Habitats. Each Habitat will have 10 mice, five 5 per side. CASIS mice will be sorted based on ear notching. Water Check Scheduling3 days after Animal Transfer and every 3 days thereafter for a total of 4 water checks Crew Time20 Minutes Number of Crew1 DescriptionCrew member checks for obvious signs of water box leak/failure

8 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center8 On-Orbit Sessions (2 of 5) MSG Setup SchedulingASAP after Animal Transfer Crew Time1 Hour Number of Crew1 DescriptionDestow RR1 support hardware Setup the MSG for dissection operations Practice Session SchedulingWithin 5 days of the CASIS Dissection operations Crew Time2 Hours Number of Crew2 DescriptionTime allocated to allow crewmembers to practice dissection operations in the MSG using no live animals

9 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center9 On-Orbit Sessions (3 of 5) CASIS Dissection (Day 1) SchedulingMinimum 21 days on-orbit As close as possible to SpX 4 return Crew Time6.5 Number of Crew2 Description2 KO mice euthanized and dissected (morning) 3 WT mice euthanized and dissected (afternoon) CASIS Dissection (Day 2) SchedulingWithin 3 days of CASIS Dissection (Day 1) Crew Time6.5 Number of Crew2 Description2 WT mice euthanized and dissected (morning) 3 KO mice euthanized and dissected (afternoon)

10 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center10 On-Orbit Sessions (4 of 5) Tissue Transfer SchedulingCASIS Dissection + 48 Hours (± 6 hours) NASA Dissection + 2 days-2 weeks [Spleen only] Crew Time1.5 Hours (repeated once) Number of Crew1 DescriptionHindlimb samples fixed in formalin must be transferred to ethanol Spleen samples will be transferred to -95C MELFI (one day only) NASA Dissection and Euthanization Scheduling30-32 days from Animal Transfer After SpX4 Undock Crew Time6.5 Hours Number of Crew2 Description2 mice are euthanized and dissected 8 mice are euthanized

11 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center11 On-Orbit Sessions (5 of 5) Habitat Stow SchedulingA minimum of 5 days after animals are removed Crew Time1 Hour Number of Crew1 DescriptionDouble bag and stow Habitats for return on SpX4 or SpX5 MSG Clean-Up SchedulingAfter all Rodent activities with live animals are completed Crew Time1 Number of Crew1 DescriptionRemove and clean all RR1 hardware from MSG and clean

12 LSAH setup in the MSG is scheduled to be done prior to SpX4 docking Crew briefings/procedure reviews are scheduled before every major activity CASIS Habitat might not be powered for the full 5 days after dissection in order to ensure the Habitat comes down on SpX4 EVAs – Best effort should be made to plan payload operations such that they will not affect EVAs – Concern from flight surgeon that potential mouse bite from RR operations could affect crew’s ability to participate fully in EVA – No documented constraints from flight surgeon on RR Operations in relation to EVA activities POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center12 Other Scheduled Items

13 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center13 Flight Rules 1.All animals must be transferred out of the Transporter within 10 days of loading 2.If the EXPRESS Laptop Computer (ELC) crashes during crew sleep and cannot be restarted by ground crew, the crew will be woken up to restart the ELC or move to safe haven within 2 hours 3.If rack power goes down and cannot be resolved within 2 hours, the Habitat(s) will have to be transferred to the safe haven locations 4.In the event of a hardware failure which may affect animal welfare, the crew will be required to respond within a 12 hours 5.If the chief veterinarian determines an animal is distressed, the animal must be euthanized within 24 hours of identification 6.The CASIS animals (n=10) must all be euthanized and processed within 3 days 7.SPHERES payload must not operate in the same module as live animals 8.Once the Transporter and Habitats have had animals in them the Access Unit must be attached any time the unit lids are opened 9.The MSG must be available at all times when live animals are on-board to allow for euthanization of distressed animal on short notice

14 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center14 Payload Regulations 1.Neither the Transporter nor the Habitats shall go longer than 30 minutes without power during nominal operations when animals are inside 2.The MSG will be setup with the LSAH prior to vehicle docking with animals

15 PRO Off-Nominal Inputs Off-Nominal Categorization – Heat Map – Category Definitions – Off-Nominal List (ONL) Impacts to PRO POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center15 Off Nominal Overview

16 Rack Power Failure – PRO had 2 hours for troubleshooting without any effect on animal welfare – If after 2 hours, problem could not be resolved the unit(s) should be moved to Safe Haven location Requires crew member activity May result in having to wake the crew – Payload Team should be informed immediately upon loss of power Station Power Failure/Load Shed – 12 hour maximum to allow for troubleshooting – Contact Payload Team immediately to discuss possible resolutions – After 12 hours, animals may have to be processed/euthanized POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center16 PRO Off-Nominal Input

17 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center17 Off-Nominal Heat Map

18 Impact Range: Category Description:Rational for impact:Response Implications: 5 Loss of immediate life support (power, fans, software) [Loss: Specimen Life, Infrastructure, Crew Time] Lack of air circulation in 0G can result in asphyxiation of animals Unknown timeline for possible asphyxiation (30min – 12 hours); situation involves Immediate: trouble shooting, Intermediate: Monitoring, Ultimately: decision to terminate of experiment 4-3 Loss of intermediate life support (water, distressed animals) Stressed animals or interruption of water services can result in an unsustainable environment Immediate action not necessary; intermediate trouble shooting; ultimately determine corrective action or termination of experiment 2 Loss of secondary support capabilities (video monitoring, communications, habitat lights, operational flow) Loss of secondary services can result in an sustainable environment that increase impact to crew time Immediate action not necessary; intermediate trouble shooting; ultimately determine corrective action or termination of experiment 1Loss of tertiary support capabilities (disposable glove bag, etc) Loss of tertiary services can result in an sustainable environment that could increase impact to crew time Immediate action not necessary; intermediate trouble shooting; ultimately determine corrective action or termination of experiment POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center18 Off-Nominal Categories

19 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center19 Off-Nominal Events (1 of 2) * Schedule impact items marked with an asterisk may require activities to be rescheduled or may need additional/ unplanned crew time for resolution

20 POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center20 Off-Nominal Events (1 of 2) * Schedule impact items marked with an asterisk may require activities to be rescheduled or may need additional/unplanned crew time for resolution

21 PRO Actions: – ONL ID 4: Habitat Loss of Fan (all 4 fans) – ONL ID 7: Habitat Loss of Power – ONL ID 16 & 19: Software Program Frozen or Loss of Communication – ONL ID 10 & 17: Temperature Telemetry Lost or Out of Limits All entail a PRO initiated Power Reset – If Power Reset does not resolve issue PRO to contact Payload Team to initiate secondary contingency Currently vetting telemetry ranges based on animal test data All other Off-Nominal Events can be handled by the Payload Team during business hours and may include PRO participation POIWG #35 (January 30,2014)NASA Ames Research Center21 MSFC Ops Center Impacts

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