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CrashTrack For fun and profit, as they say Toby Tobkin.

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Presentation on theme: "CrashTrack For fun and profit, as they say Toby Tobkin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CrashTrack For fun and profit, as they say Toby Tobkin

2 Motivation Lawyer parents – my upbringing Automotive engineering—my background Lawyermotive engineering

3 Motivation Lawyer parents – my upbringing Automotive engineering—my background Lawyermotive engineering Potential results: 1.Derp 2.or, become trillionaire

4 Goal Engineering Computer Hacking Law Hacking: demonstrate that a certain legal process can be systematically abused Legally (and by leveraging cloud architecture)

5 Premise One incriminating factor can swap who is “at fault” in an auto accident and thus who is subjected to felony convictions million dollar judgments e.g. speeding Easier to find an incriminating factor on someone who is meticulously recorded But, perhaps the recorded could also vindicate oneself

6 Premise Choosing whether to be recorded or not post- accident is best case scenario for self-interest

7 Legal Basis






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