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TOPOGRAPHIC LASERS. Laser Collection in HYSWEEP  LIDAR collection is a standard feature of HYSWEEP ®.  Process with MBMAX64 alone or alongside bathymetric.

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Presentation on theme: "TOPOGRAPHIC LASERS. Laser Collection in HYSWEEP  LIDAR collection is a standard feature of HYSWEEP ®.  Process with MBMAX64 alone or alongside bathymetric."— Presentation transcript:


2 Laser Collection in HYSWEEP  LIDAR collection is a standard feature of HYSWEEP ®.  Process with MBMAX64 alone or alongside bathymetric data.

3 Supported Devices Support for: RIEGL V Series LMS Series Optech ILRIS Leica P20 Velodyne VLP-16 HDL-32E Renishaw Dynascan Merlin Trimble MX2 with more drivers under development

4 HYSWEEP Data Windows Shore View A scrolling view of the shoreline as if you’re looking off the port or starboard side. Topo Profile Display across-track profile of a single-ping of laser data.

5 Real Time Cloud Build a 3D cloud in real time during survey Pan and Rotate in full 3D Mark targets Follow the survey vessel during collection or review an area of interest Supports laser and bathymetric data at the same time

6 Dual Logging Simultaneously acquire data from multiple devices Multiple lasers Laser & multibeam bathymetry Paint a matrix or coverage with data from all devices


8 Patch Testing Pattern Run four lines around a light pole or similar tall, stable feature Roll test: cut across the pavement Pitch & Yaw tests: cut through the pole On the water alternatives: Pilings (not good for the roll test) Shore feature Two passes, near & far Two passes, port & stbd

9 Patch Testing Pattern Pitch error: Looks like a bunch of flowers Yaw error: Parallel poles like “double vision” Roll error: X pattern in ground returns


11 Editing in MBMAX64 Load and edit data just like a multibeam Cloud windows are most useful Load laser and multibeam data in a single session

12 MBMAX64 - Topo & Bathy Together To combine lidar and multibeam: Load bathy, save to HS2x Load topo, save to HS2x LOG file name includes “_TOPO” Use Merge LOG Files tool Topographic Laser Bathymetric Multibeam

13 Editing in Cloud Full featured, cloud-based editing Mark targets, edit or measure points, apply filters Export GeoTIFFs Color by intensity to reveal different features Eg. Differentiate materials, paint Save XYZ from MBMAX64 Save All Points for full data density and include intensity if your laser provides it

14 Stationary Scanning Acquire and process 360° scans from a stationary tripod Acquire or load a data file Select the reflector points in your dataset Enter their real world positions Adjust determines the calibration for the tripod mounting of the scan Save to XYZ

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