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GOAL Tanzania’s socio-economic transformation toward middle income status by 2025 advanced DO1 Tanzanian women and youth empowered IR 1.1 Gender equality.

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Presentation on theme: "GOAL Tanzania’s socio-economic transformation toward middle income status by 2025 advanced DO1 Tanzanian women and youth empowered IR 1.1 Gender equality."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOAL Tanzania’s socio-economic transformation toward middle income status by 2025 advanced DO1 Tanzanian women and youth empowered IR 1.1 Gender equality increased IR 1.2 Health status improved IR 1.3 Lifelong learning skills improved DO2 Inclusive broad-based economic growth sustained IR 2.1 Binding constraints to private sector investment reduced IR 2.2 Agricultural productivity and profitability increased in targeted value chains IR 2.3 Stewardship of natural resources improved IR 2.4 Unmet needs for family planning reduced DO3 Effective democratic governance improved IR 3.1 Citizen engagement made more effective IR 3.2 Government delivery of services improved IR 3.3 Government accountability increased IR 3.4 Conflict mitigation strengthened Cross-Cutting IR: Data-driven decision-making and action plan implementation improved

2 DO 1 – WOMEN AND YOUTH EMPOWERED Tanzania struggles to address gender inequality and high rates of HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, and maternal and infant mortality 70% of third graders cannot read a Swahili sentence and 90% cannot read a basic English story USAID/Tanzania supports the virtuous cycle of Empowerment and Economic Growth

3 DO 2 – BROAD-BASED ECONOMIC GROWTH SUSTAINED Growth in rural areas has not kept pace with the national average, perpetuating rural poverty Underlying constraints must be unbound to accelerate private investment 1.5 million people added into Tanzanian population every year 45% of the population is under the age of 15 of which 23% of 15-19 have started child bearing

4 DO 3 – EFFECTIVE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE IMPROVED Public sector unresponsive to citizen demand Public services inadequate and under-funded Lack of accountability and corruption Tanzania has diverse sources of conflict

5 Cross-Cutting IR - Data driven decision-making & implementation improved Powerful tool to plan and measure progress and communicate development results Need for quality data, timely release and wide accessibility Utilize information to foster organizational learning and adapt to changing circumstances Tanzanian capacities expanded


7 Program Budget - $384 million (FY2013)

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