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Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The L ORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow.

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Presentation on theme: "Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The L ORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow."— Presentation transcript:


2 Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The L ORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the L ORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

3 Everlasting God Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord

4 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord

5 Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong deliverer

6 You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won’t grow weary

7 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord

8 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord

9 Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong deliverer

10 You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won’t grow weary

11 You’re the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up on wings like eagles

12 Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong deliverer

13 You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won’t grow weary

14 You’re the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up on wings like eagles

15 From everlasting, To everlasting God, You are everlasting.


17 Dark and cheerless is the morn Without Your hand to comfort me Joyless is the day's return 'Til Your mercy's beams I see 'Til they inward light impart, Glad my eyes and warm my heart You Are the Light

18 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, You are the true, the only Light Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph over shades of night You are the Light, You are the Light

19 Visit, then, this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief Fill me, Radiancy Divine, Scatter all my unbelief More and more Yourself display, Shining to the perfect day

20 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, You are the true, the only Light Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph over shades of night You are the Light, You are the Light

21 Dayspring from on high, be near Day-star, in my heart appear.

22 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, You are the true, the only Light Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph over shades of night You are the Light, You are the Light



25 Glorious Day One day when Heaven was filled with His praises One day when sin was as black as could be Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin Dwelt among men, my example is He

26 Living, He loved me Dying, He saved me Buried, He carried my sins far away Rising, He justified freely forever One day He’s coming Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

27 One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain One day they nailed Him to die on a tree suffering anguish, despised and rejected Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He

28 One day the grave could conceal Him no longer One day the stone rolled away from the door Then He arose, over death He had conquered Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore

29 Living, He loved me Dying, He saved me Buried, He carried my sins far away Rising, He justified freely forever One day He’s coming Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

30 One day the trumpet will sound for His coming One day the skies with His glories will shine Wonderful day, my Beloved One’s, bringing Glorious Savior, Jesus, is mine

31 Living, He loved me Dying, He saved me Buried, He carried my sins far away Rising, He justified freely forever One day He’s coming Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

32 O glorious day!


34 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near; Praise Him in glad adoration.

35 Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; and defend thee; Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, If with His love He befriend thee.

36 Hallelujah,Hallelujah,Hallelujah.

37 Praise to the Lord, Who, when darkness of sin is abounding, Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding, Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night, Saints with His mercy surrounding.

38 Hallelujah,Hallelujah,Hallelujah.

39 Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him. Let the Amen sound from His people again, Gladly for all we adore Him.

40 Hallelujah,Hallelujah,Hallelujah.



43 Mighty to Save Everyone needs compassion Love that’s never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a Savior The Hope of Nations

44 Savior, He can move the mountains Our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave

45 Because You take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender

46 Savior, He can move the mountains Our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave

47 Savior, He can move the mountains Our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave

48 Matthew 9 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

49 Shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re living for the glory of the risen King

50 Savior, He can move the mountains Our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave

51 Shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re living for the glory of the risen King

52 Savior, He can move the mountains Our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave


54 Forever Reign You are good When there's nothing good in me You are love On display for all to see Forever Reign You are good When there's nothing good in me You are love On display for all to see

55 You are light When the darkness closes in You are hope You have covered all my sin You are light When the darkness closes in You are hope You have covered all my sin

56 You are peace When my fear is crippling You are true Even in my wandering You are peace When my fear is crippling You are true Even in my wandering

57 You are joy You're the reason that I sing You are life In You death has lost its sting You are joy You're the reason that I sing You are life In You death has lost its sting

58 Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign

59 You are more Than my words will ever say You are Lord All creation will proclaim You are more Than my words will ever say You are Lord All creation will proclaim

60 You are here In Your presence I'm made whole You are God Of all else I'm letting go You are here In Your presence I'm made whole You are God Of all else I'm letting go

61 Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign

62 My heart will sing no other Name Jesus, Jesus. My heart will sing no other Name Jesus, Jesus.

63 Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign Oh I'm running to Your arms I'm running to Your arms The riches of Your love will always be enough Nothing compares to Your embrace Light of the world forever reign

64 My heart will sing no other Name Jesus, Jesus. My heart will sing no other Name Jesus, Jesus.


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