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For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process OFCM Joint Action Group for Wildland Fire Needs Assessment March 1-2, 2006 Eli Jacks, NOAA/NWS Office.

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Presentation on theme: "For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process OFCM Joint Action Group for Wildland Fire Needs Assessment March 1-2, 2006 Eli Jacks, NOAA/NWS Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process OFCM Joint Action Group for Wildland Fire Needs Assessment March 1-2, 2006 Eli Jacks, NOAA/NWS Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services Fire and Public Weather Branch

2 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process Primary JAG Purpose (From orange 1-pager): “…a comprehensive review/assessment of weather needs for fire and fuels activities” How will we go about this?

3 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process OFCM will help us to obtain the full set of these needs from: - Users of Fire Weather Information - Subject Matter Experts (many are here) - Surveys and past efforts already completed How do we get started?

4 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process First, we must break out the specific areas of need. The JAG 1-pager provides this: - Data - R&D - Prods/Svcs - Modeling/Prediction - Dissemination - Education/Outreach - Decision Support - Socioeconomics - Funding/HR Issues We started discussing how to move forward with these at our last meeting…

5 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process We assigned JAG leads to each functional area: -Task: Generate templates to support us in framing survey questions for information gathering: - I agreed to draft a template for Data Collection, Integrity, Processing, & Archival to support “discussion & discovery.” -The orange 1-pager provides a general list of stakeholders, comprised of federal/state agencies Using my area as an example, here’s a sense of the format for the draft template:

6 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process Assess Four Major Areas: - Make a list of all observation platforms which could be used to support fire weather. - Assess Who needs the data – and Why. - Ask about needed improvements in how we collect, process, & archive data. - Identify existing inefficiencies, redundancies with regard to any of the above. So, at our last meeting, we made a start by:

7 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process At our last meeting, we: - Listed the universe of data available (e.g., Surface, UA, satellite) - Listed potential users – the “Who” in general categories (e.g., Incident Commanders, Media, Attorneys, EM’s, etc.) - Listed reasons why we thought they would require data (e.g., for verification, NDFRS, litigation, areal monitoring) - Thought about potential areas of inefficiency/improvement (e.g., single points of failure, use of UAV/UAS, space apps) What can we get done at this meeting?

8 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process After we get familiar with each other today, we plan to break out into groups tomorrow to: - Refine/validate lists for draft templates already developed: * Data Collection * Products and Services * Research and Development -Ask: Do we have the “what” and “who” correct? * Are there data sets our users will never tap? * Did we miss any communities who should be surveyed? If these are good goals for this meeting, then… What can we get done at this meeting?

9 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process After the meeting, we should: - Get specific: Who should be surveyed? - Finalize our templates and lists. -Begin work towards survey design by amalgamating all completed templates. We would ask: * Do you need the “what”, and why? * What gaps, inefficiencies, or opportunities are there? (We could provide our hints to stimulate thought) A matrix approach could be used…

10 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process Here’s a proposed example: - Responder would enter a “1” in the matrix if he/she uses the “What”. The following comments could then be solicited: * Is the “What” sufficient and provided in a timely manner? * Is the “What” reliable and of good quality? * What deficiencies, suggestions, opportunities do you see? And… I

11 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process In our proposed example: -Responder would enter a “2” if he/she does not use the “What”. The following comments could then be solicited: * Would you like to use the “What” but didn’t know it was available or accessible? * Are there other reasons you don’t use the “What”? And Finally…

12 For Discussion/Validation: The Proposed JAG Process We could ask a few final key questions: -Of the items you’ve responded to, what do you see as the most critical, current priorities? -Are there issues for this area which you know have been identified in the past but still not acted upon? Final Note: We should fold in the results of surveys already completed!


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