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Fundamental British Values (FBV) Billy Begum and Dot Thomson.

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1 Fundamental British Values (FBV) Billy Begum and Dot Thomson

2  Riots in Summer 2011  National Identity  Birth right or Belonging  Devolution and Diversity  Trojan Horse  Citizenship Tests  Prevent Strategy  Radicalisation/Extremism  National Security  Legal requirements – SMSC development as one of the main aims of education  Teachers’ standards - expect teachers to uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school  Ofsted inspection framework – public accountability Context and Drivers

3 Ofsted Accountabilities Linked to SMSC and FBV Overall Effectiveness Effectiveness and impact of provision for SMSC How provision meets the needs of SEND Safeguarding Leadership and management (including governance) Vision, expectations, behaviour, FBV, use of pupil premium, equality and diversity, safeguarding (including protection from sexual exploitation), radicalisation and extremism. Teaching, learning and assessment Teachers’ standards, equality and diversity, English and Mathematics for economic independence. Personal development, behaviour and welfare Absence as a safeguarding concern Online safety Respect for self and others Confidence in being safe from abuse and exploitation. SMSC and active citizenship Outcomes for pupilsAchievement and progress of all groups – SEND, pupil premium etc. Preparation for transition post school (English and Maths)

4 Discussion- Task 15 Minutes A.What values do you believe education should be promoting to children and young people? B. How are they represented in the life and work of St Thomas’s Centre

5 Fundamental British Values Schools Should Ensure Students:  Develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; Individual Liberty  Distinguish right from wrong and respect the civil and criminal law of England; The Rule of Law  Accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely; Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance  Acquire a broad general knowledge of - and respect for - public institutions and services in England; Democracy and the Rule of Law  Acquire an appreciation of - and respect for - their own and other cultures, show respect for other people, and contribute to harmony between different cultural traditions; Mutual Respect and Tolerance  Respect democracy and participate in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England. Democracy and the Rule of Law

6 Government Guidance Recommended Action  Include in suitable parts of the curriculum, as appropriate for the age of pupils, material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries;  Ensure that all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to, and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as a school council whose members are voted for by the pupils;  Use opportunities, such as general or local elections, to hold mock elections to promote fundamental British values and provide pupils with the opportunity to learn how to argue and defend points of view;  Use teaching resources from a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths, and  Consider the role of extra-curricular activities, including any run directly by pupils, in promoting fundamental British values.

7 St.Thomas’s Approach For St. Thomas's Centre “ It is our expectation that every pupil succeeds. No exceptions. No excuses.” For every St Thomas’s child or young person to have a deep sense of responsibility: - For humanity - For our world For all who work and learn in St Thomas’s Centre to be: - Proud to be a part of their school

8 The Student Experience – Values in Action  Projects which provide opportunity to put values into action  PHSE  Humanities Projects  Enrichment  Links to sports (ASDAN, Youth zone)  Big Society and community service  Planning for learning across the curriculum  Evident within:  The school environment  Displays  Engagement in school and community events  Relationships, other school links  Enrichment activities

9 Discussion - Task – 15 Minutes  Revisit the values you identified in the first discussion  Are Fundamental British Values the same or different?  Annotate your notes to show where the values coincide with Fundamental British Values Individual Liberty (Freedom of Speech) I Law L Respect R Tolerance T Democracy D  Identify any other characteristics or values which you think the school should be nurturing  Identify the next steps for your school

10 DfE: Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools - Departmental advice for maintained schools Pub: Nov 2014 “Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This can help schools to demonstrate how they are meeting the requirements of section 78 of the Education Act 2002, in their provision of SMSC.”

11 But these values aren’t just British, are they? “Of course, people will say that these values are vital to other people in other countries. And, of course, they’re right. But what sets Britain apart are the traditions and history that anchors them and allows them to continue to flourish and develop.” PM David Cameron Mail on Sunday – June 2014

12 STC - FBV Rule of Law School Behaviour policy Pupil Induction Pack Pupils have regular opportunities to reflect on their behaviour Anti-bullying week School Anti-bullying policy Pupil acceptable use policy (Internet) Safeguarding Policy UK Safer Internet day SMSC day Questionnaires relating to behaviour, safety and online - safety Understanding the Rules of Law - SMSC day Parliament week Democracy SEAL – Children’s’ Rights Chosen charities School council decision making Pupils involved in staff recruitment Pupil voice Election of School Councillors Choice of extended learning Provision opportunities PSHE Curriculum Enrichment Pathways

13 STC FBV Individual Liberty Home/School agreement Online-safety School Mural Tutor time Themed of the week Celebrations Awards and Rewards Restorative Justice approach Understanding the rules and classroom rules Industry Day-Career fair Charity events Reflective opportunities Rights and Responsibilities PSHE curriculum Pupil responsibilities /roles Mutual Tolerance & Respect School Vision Social Emotional Aspect of Learning included in the Curriculum SEAL/PHSE Positive relationship encouraged and modelled Charity days - Children in Need, Comic Relief School and class council Online safety and the Curriculum Anti-Bullying policy History Curriculum -Humanities Themed week ASDAN - Careers, Enterprise, Food wise, Sport and Animal Care Non- Smoking day -Borough Competition Mental Health week

14 Building a values-rich school  We promote and celebrate our values both explicitly and implicitly – all round experience  Learning environment and displays  Curriculum  Events and celebrations  Extra-curricular  Rewards

15 Our Learning Environment  Inspirational messages to promote our values  Inspirational people that embody our values  Displays that demonstrate our commitment to FBV  Visible ‘Union Jacks’ on the approach to the school  Posters in every classroom  Displays in school are ‘labelled’ with one of the specific aspects of FBV


17 Display Labels

18 Classroom Display Quotes

19 Teaching values through the curriculum  Taught implicitly in all subjects – evidenced on Long Term Plans

20 Teaching values through the curriculum  Taught explicitly within Subjects  PHSE/ SMSC - aspects of British law, Parliament and voting, Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination  ICT –  Online Safety – Social Networking Keeping Safe

21 Events and celebrations PHSE/ SMSC Curriculum 2015-16 Long Term Plan

22 Armistice Day

23 Democracy & Rule of Law Elections 2015 Elected Student Class Council – speeches, campaigns, voting Houses of Parliament Outreach Team From House of Commons Education Team Individual Liberty & Tolerance and Respect Reward Trip Bowling Christmas Dinner Wish Centre - Domestic Abuse Talk Local and National Charities World Book day International women’s day UK Safer Internet day SMSC day Cultural Diversity day SMSC day St George’s day SMSC day Extra-curricular

24 LEADERSHIP a reflection of Democracy & Rule of Law  Student Class Council  Prefect selection process  Provision Council Leader  Pupil Voice  Pupil Roles & Responsibilities  Classroom Rules/ Charter  Fundraising for those less fortunate  Raising money for key British institutions, such as BBC Children in Need, Comic Relief  Raising money for Christmas Jumper day in Winter  Operation Shoebox “ Samaritans” Specialisms BIG SOCIETY Enables Mutual Respect and Tolerance & Individual Liberty

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