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Published byMildred Lindsey Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to Payload Planning Will Kirby (256) 961-4439
2 Payload Processes Overview Payload Operations & Integration Function Mission Planning Team Mission Planning (MP) Contact –NASA Point of Contact: Susan Davis (256) –Team Lead: Gary Rowe (256) MP Roles and Responsibilities –During Preparation Phase (for each Basic and Final planning cycle) Collect and review requirements for payloads in U.S. racks and facilities via interim User Requirements Collection (iURC) Identify and assess increment planning resources and constraints –Requested resources consistent with Increment Definition Requirements Document (IDRD) and Payload Tactical Plan (PTP) –Payload-to-payload and payload-to-system compatibility –Resource distribution between payloads, systems, and International Partners (IP) –Resource (power, thermal, crew) oversubscription –Payload data (digital, video) composite assessment Develop a plan for all payloads in the U.S. element Provide input for planning payloads in U.S. racks and facilities in other IP elements Identify payload requirements for an Earth-to-Orbit Vehicle (ETOV)
3 Payload Processes Overview Payload Operations & Integration Function Mission Planning Team MP Roles and Responsibilities –During On-orbit Phase Prepare weekly and daily payload operation plans Prepare daily data flow plans Process changes to plans
4 Payload Processes Overview Payload Operations & Integration Function Mission Planning Team MP Team –Payload Activity Requirements Coordinator (PARC) Payload Developer’s (PD) pre-increment interface to MP Coordinates payload activities and requirements for each increment Works assigned payloads across all increments –Payload Planning Manager (PPM) PD’s primary increment interface to MP Plans and schedules payload activities before and during each increment Works a specific increment –Timeline Change Officer (TCO) Schedules real-time changes to planned payload activities during each increment Works across all increments –Bandwidth and Integration Timeliner (BANDIT) Coordinates payload data planning before and during each increment Works across all increments
5 Payload Processes Overview Payload Operations & Integration Function Mission Planning Team MP Products –Pre-increment Increment Planning Data Set submitted via iURC ETOV Payload Activity Summary (EPAS) Payload Planning Groundrules & Constraints (Gr&C) Payload On-orbit Operations Summary (OOS) –Increment Weekly Look-ahead Plan (WLP) Short Term Plan (STP) Data Flow Plan (DFP)
6 Level 1 - POI Overview PD inputProcessPayload Integration product/outputISS/SSP program product Legend: I-20 I-9I-19I-14I-12I-18 Payload Planning Payload Training Payload Developer Functions Crew Training Req’ts Trained Crew Trained GSP Configured Ground Systems OOS & Flight Plan Displays & OpNoms Crew Procedures Basic Planning Req’ts Phase II Safety Inputs GSP Training Req’ts Safing/Ground Procedures Basic Ops Constraints Phase III Safety Inputs Ground Systems Final Products Basic Payload Planning Process Console Products TLM and CMD DB Development Update Facilities Configure POIC Training Plans & TrainersCrew Training Courses & Scripts GSP Training & Simulations I-6 Planning Req’ts Final Ops Constraints Final Payload Planning Process Tran- sition Payload Display & Procedures & Displays OpNom OpNom Coordination Display Development ISS Crew Procedures Development Payload Operations Payload Safety Console Products Flight Safety Review Process Ground Safety Review Process Ops Hazard Control Verif Hazardous Cmd Verif Hazmat Validation PSM/Ground Command Procedure Development Flight Rules & PL Regulations Development Integrated Safing Procedures Dev. PHCM PEP/PL MDM Config File Development Bench Review & Waste Process Stowage Req’ts Ground System Req’ts (I-13) GDS Req’ts Display Usability Process Bench Review
7 Planning Data Set - iURC interim User’s Requirements Collection (iURC) –A web-based tool for Payload Developers to input their payload or facility requirements (Planning Data Set) for each increment –Accounts are requested through the PARC team The PARC assigned to your payload will contact you and initiate the account request Accounts are processed through the Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC) –Software and hardware requirements: Internet Explorer 4.0.1 or higher (Java enabled) Windows 95 or later or Windows NT 4.0 or later Intel Pentium or DEC Alpha processor Static IP address for account security –Payload requirements are coordinated with the PARC assigned to your payload PARC may assist or provide inputs upon request into iURC –Data set must be submitted for each planning cycle for each increment Basic – I-12 months Final – I-6 months –Data set is submitted for review by ECR for each Final planning cycle
8 EPAS Earth-To-Orbit Vehicle Payload Activity Summary (EPAS) –A document that summarizes payload activity resource requirements and constraints while on Shuttle during ascent, descent, and joint operations (period of time Shuttle is docked to ISS) –Developed by the PPM for each flight in each increment –Sent out for review: Basic – I-8 months Basic Rev A – Launch-5.5 months Final – Launch-3 months –The Shuttle Operations Coordinator (SOC) provides payload transfer and installation inputs to the EPAS –Distributed to PDs by email –Submitted for review by ECR for each final version
9 Payload Planning Gr&C Payload Planning Groundrules & Constraints (Gr&C) –A document that lists specific payload planning requirements, constraints, or other basic groundrules which are crucial for experiment success –Developed by the PPM for each planning cycle for each increment –Sent out for review: Basic – I-6.75 months Final – I-2.25 months –Distributed to PDs by email –Submitted for review by ECR for each Final planning cycle –Incorporated into the ISS Increment Specific Execute Planning Groundrules and Constraints for each increment Posted on the Increment Operations Plan (IOP) web page
10 Payload OOS Payload On-orbit Operations Summary (OOS) –A document that summarizes all of the payload activities planned for each day of an increment –Developed by the PPM for each planning cycle for each increment –Sent out for review: Basic – I-6.75 months Final – I-2.25 month –Distributed to PDs by email –Submitted for review by ECR for each Final planning cycle –Posted on the Payload Operations and Integration (POI) Realtime Information Control Officer (RICO) web site –Incorporated into the Final Integrated OOS for each increment Posted on the IOP web page NOTE: you will need a username and password to get access. To apply go to:
11 Final Integrated OOS Example
12 WLP Weekly Look-ahead Plan –An update to the OOS summarizing all of the activities planned on each day for a particular week of the increment –Payload activities are coordinated with system and IP activities –Developed by the PPM weekly and published 10 days prior to execution –Distributed to PDs via email –Posted on the POI RICO web site
13 WLP Example
14 STP Short Term Plan –A detailed schedule for a particular day of the increment originating from the WLP –Payload activities are coordinated with system and IP activities –Developed by the PPM daily 7 days prior to execution –Uplinked to ISS as the Onboard Short Term Plan (OSTP) –Distributed to PDs via email –Posted on the POI RICO web site
15 STP Example (Page 1)
16 STP Example (Page 2)
17 DFP Data Flow Plan (DFP) –A document that summarizes all of the data and data systems activities scheduled for a particular day of the increment Digital data (low-, medium-, high-rate) downlink Video downlink Communications Outage Recorder events Video Tape Recorder events –Analysis is performed pre-increment to ensure all payload data requirements can be accommodated –Developed by the BANDIT daily 1 day prior to execution –Posted on the POI RICO web site –Posted in the Payload Information Management System (PIMS)
18 DFP Example
19 Level 2 – Payload Planning ISS Program/Vehicle Payload Operations Integration Research & Payload Mission Integration Payload Engineering Integration Payload Developer Phase Execution Preparation PL Planning Reqmts Inputs Basic/Final Payload Activity Requirements Coordination, Review, and Baselining IDRD and IDRD Annex 5 GL&C Inc Specific Payload Gr&C Dev Basic OOS Development Basic Integrated PL OOS WLP, STP, OSTP Dev and Data Planning Post Photo/Video Products Vehicle Capability Report Final OOS Development Final Integrated OOS Basic/Final Inc Spec PL GR&C STS Flight Plan Crew Procedures Crew Training Task Assign Integrated OOS IP Segment Planning Inc Overview To Basic/Final OOS Dev IP Inputs to EPAS,Gr&Cs, OOS Dev ISS Integrated Gr&Cs Op Nom PIRATE PL Imagery Report iURC Payload Planning Reqmts and Resource Rollups Basic/Final Inc Spec PL Gr&C PL Planning Reqmts Inputs via iURC EPAS, Basic, RevA, Final 2-Day DFP Ops EPAS Development
20 Basic/Final Planning Cycle I-12I-11I-10I-9I-8I-7I-6 iURC Frozen Basic PL Products Out for Review Basic Prods complete Memo to IPs iURC Coordination iURC Inputs Due (PD) Gr&C Development OOS Development LPP Review Review Activity Inputs to Partners OOS on IOP Partner OOSs to POIC 2 I-6I-5I-4I-3I-2I-1I iURC ECR Submittal PL OOS and Gr&C ECR submittal iURC Cadre Review (2 wk) iURC Coordination iURC Inputs Due (PD) Gr&C Development OOS Development LPP Review Review OOS on IOP Partner OOSs to POIC 2 IEPT WLP Development Activity Inputs to Partners BASICBASIC FINALFINAL MCC-M MCC-H IPLFOR Review Inc Overview Due (MOD) Inc Overview Due (MOD) Basic EPASs to FAO via memo thru POD Rev A EPAS to FAO (L-5.5) 1 via memo thru POD Final EPAS (baselined) to FAO (L-3) 1 1 Rev A and Final EPAS deliveries reflected for first flight in Inc only. Other flights in increment will require separate deliveries at L-5.5 and L-3. 2 IP process is in work and deliveries are TBR. OOS Integration Final EPAS ECR submittal OOS Int iURC Baselined PL OOS and Gr&C (baselined) to MCC-H
21 Payload Developer/Principle Investigator Planning Roles and Responsibilities Submit payload requirements in iURC ensuring: –Requirements for facility or science objectives are reflected accurately in iURC Crew (How many? How long?) Power (How much? From where – Universal Outlet Panel (UOP), EXPRESS Rack, battery, etc?) Thermal (How much? What kind – Cabin air, Low Temperature Loop, Moderate Temperature Loop?) Data (When? What kind – Realtime, near realtime; high, medium, or low rate?) Video (When? What kind – Realtime, near realtime, recorded? Using lab or PD camcorder?) Photography (When? How many photos?) Maintenance Work Area (MWA) (Containment System or Work Surface Area?) Payload Commanding Station Support Computer or EXPRESS Laptop Orbital Communications Adapter (OCA) uplink or downlink Vacuum Exhaust or Resource System Nitrogen –Requirements are consistent with the Payload Tactical Plan (PTP) –Requirements are compliant with ISS safety and hazard constraints –Referenced procedures exist and support requirements –Operating constraints are reflected
22 Payload Developer/Principle Investigator Planning Roles and Responsibilities Review payload planning products –EPAS –Gr&C –OOS –WLP –STP –DFP Support payload operations –Be available to provide expertise (answer crew or cadre questions) –Submit changes to plans when needed
23 Backup Chart – PARC Payload Assignment PARC for Cold Stowage –Michelle
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