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1 IBFAN Africa 9 th Regional Conference –February 2016 3 rd February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IBFAN Africa 9 th Regional Conference –February 2016 3 rd February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IBFAN Africa 9 th Regional Conference –February 2016 3 rd February 2016

2 Mission Statement:  The Mission is "to provide for, support, guide, coordinate, regulate and promote quality education and sports to all persons in Uganda for national integration, individual and national development". Vision Statement:  The Vision for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports is "Quality Education and Sports 2

3  Minister Signatory to UNAP  Establishment of the Sector UNAP committee  Maintained partnerships  Initiated/Strengthened nutrition programmes/interventions 3

4  Curricular (Pre-Primary, Primary UPPET, Tertiary & Universities)  Co-curricular (MDD, Comic books, Science fairs, Sports, School Clubs)  Policy development (ECD, School feeding, School Health, Gender, HIV & AIDS, Sexuality Education 4

5  Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards for Education Institutions.(BRMS)  School feeding initiatives 5

6 COLLABORATION/PARTNERSHIPS  Child Health Day Plus  Immunization, deworming, supplementation programmes  Nutrition Sub-committees (Anaemia, Food fortification,  Nutritionalizing Agriculture  Empowering Communities (CDOs) 6

7  Lack of clear budget lines  Coordination  Sustainability for some initiatives  7

8 8

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