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1 Psychology 304: Brain and Behaviour Lecture 6. Publish YOUR paper! Info sessions: Monday, Sept. 24 th, 4-5pm Kenny 2101 Thursday,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Psychology 304: Brain and Behaviour Lecture 6. Publish YOUR paper! Info sessions: Monday, Sept. 24 th, 4-5pm Kenny 2101 Thursday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Psychology 304: Brain and Behaviour Lecture 6

2 Publish YOUR paper! Info sessions: Monday, Sept. 24 th, 4-5pm Kenny 2101 Thursday, Sept 27 th, 4-5pm Kenny 2101

3 3 1. Join us for a Psychology Learning Smackdown on Arts Co-op, Arts Internship, Arts Tri-Mentoring, Community- Based Experiential Learning, and Go Global. At the session you will learn about each of these programs, the types of work and experiences you can expect, and more! When: September 20th, 5:00-6:30PM Where: Room 261, IBLC (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) Reminder and Announcement

4 4 2. You are invited to a Psychology Learning Smackdown with Dr. Sheila Woody (Co-Director of the UBC Psychology Graduate Program) on graduate school in psychology. At the session you will learn about admission procedures and funding opportunities! When: September 27th, 5:00-6:00PM Where: TBA (an email will be circulated to all psychology undergraduates later this week)

5 5 The Structure of the Nervous System 1. How are the components of the central nervous system protected from injury? (continued) 2.What terms are used to describe the anatomical directions of the nervous system? 3. What are the five divisions of the brain?

6 6 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 2. discuss the generation and movement of cerebral spinal fluid through the ventricular system. 3. distinguish between the directional coordinates and planes used to identify the locations of structural features of the nervous system. 1. distinguish between the three layers of the meninges. 4. distinguish between the myelencephalon, metencephalon, mesencephalon, diencephalon, and telencephalon.

7 7 How are the components of the central nervous system protected from injury? 2. Meninges (continued):

8 8 Anatomical Features that Protect the CNS

9 9

10 10 3. Cerebrospinal fluid:  A clear fluid found in three regions: The subarachnoid space. The central canal of the spinal cord. The cerebral ventricles.  Supports and cushions the brain and spinal cord.

11 11 The Fluid-Filled Ventricles and Central Canal

12 12 Hydrocephalus

13 13 In addition to the three anatomical features that protect the CNS, the brain is protected from toxic substances by the blood brain barrier. The cells that comprise blood vessel walls of the brain are tightly packed, preventing the passage of undesirable molecules from the blood into the brain.

14 14 What terms are used to describe the anatomical directions of the nervous system? Neuroanatomists have developed a three-dimensional system of directional coordinates for vertebrates. These coordinates describe location in relation to the orientation of the spinal cord.

15 15 Figure 3.14 Anatomical Directions of the Nervous System

16 16 Anatomical Directions of the Nervous System

17 17 Exercise: Application of Terminology 1.The nose is _____________ to the ears. 2. The chin is ______________ to the scalp. 3. The right nostril is _____________ to the right ear. 4. The heart is _____________ to the spinal cord. 5. The spinal cord is _____________ to the brain.

18 18 Horizontal, Frontal, and Sagittal Planes

19 19 What are the five divisions of the brain? The brain is comprised of five major divisions: The myelencephalon (medulla), metencephalon, mesencephalon, diencephalon, and telencephalon. The mesencephalon, pons, and myelencephalon are collectively referred to as the brain stem. The cerebral hemispheres comprise the telencephalon.

20 20 Early Development of the Mammalian Brain

21 21 Major Divisions of the Brain

22 22 The Structure of the Nervous System 1. How are the components of the central nervous system protected from injury? (continued) 2.What terms are used to describe the anatomical directions of the nervous system? 3. What are the five divisions of the brain?

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