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Systematic measurement of light vector mesons at RHIC-PHNEIX Yoshihide Nakamiya Hiroshima University, Japan (for the PHENIX Collaboration) Quark Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Systematic measurement of light vector mesons at RHIC-PHNEIX Yoshihide Nakamiya Hiroshima University, Japan (for the PHENIX Collaboration) Quark Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systematic measurement of light vector mesons at RHIC-PHNEIX Yoshihide Nakamiya Hiroshima University, Japan (for the PHENIX Collaboration) Quark Matter 2008, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,Jaipur,India

2 2Outline Physics motivation PHENIX experiments at RHIC PHENIX experiments at RHIC Improved Analysis Improved Analysis - no PID methods - no PID methods (φ -> K+K-) (φ -> K+K-) - new background subtraction methods - new background subtraction methods (ω->π 0 γγ) (ω->π 0 γγ) Result (φ mesons and ω mesons) Result (φ mesons and ω mesons) - mT & pT slope - mT & pT slope - Results of yield analysis - Results of yield analysis (dN/dy & temperature) (dN/dy & temperature) - Results of Line shape analysis - Results of Line shape analysis Summary Summary

3 3 Physics Background Acta Phys. Pol. B 31 (2000) 3021 At RHIC Lattice QCD predicts a phase transition to a deconfined partonic matter at a temperature of about 170 MeV.  Heavy-ion collision is the unique method to produce a phase transition at the regime of high energy density and low baryon density (cross over regions).  Several kinds of phase transition has happened in cross over regions. -> What’s order parameter ? chiral condensate ->chiral phase transition quark number susceptibility -> deconfinment plyakov loop ->deconfinment Heavy-ion collisions at RHIC has capability of studying a phase transition In a cross over region. Measurements from various viewpoints Is needed to reveal the property of a partoic matter.

4 4 Why light vector mesons ? - deconfinement(shape of thermal radiation) -> Spectral function has been changed in a deconfined partonic matter. - chiral phase transition (chiral symmetry restoration) -> Mass modification will be expected to happen in the deconfined partonic matter. - Hydrodynamic calculation expects that duration time of a deconfined matter is about 10 fm/c. -> Short lived vector mesons are desirable as the target of measurement ( τ QGP = 10 fm/c, τ φ = 46 fm/c, τ ω = 23 fm/c, τ ρ = 1.3 fm/c) Measurement of mass state for light & short lived mesons are suitable for the study of the partonic matter. ⇒ φ and ω mesons can be measured in PHNIX. R. Rapp J. Phys G31 (2005) S217

5 5 Experimental setup RHIC perspective PHENIX overview PHENIX spectrometer BBC & ZDC : Event trigger, Collision vertex, Centrality Acceptance ⇒ pseud-rapidity range : |η| < 0.35 azimuthal angle : 2x90 degree(2 arms) DC & PC : tracking, momentum RICH & EMC : electron ID TOF, EMC : hadron ID MuID : muon ID ⇒ The PHENIX spectrometers are versatile devices to measure electrons, photons as well as hadrons at the same time. RHIC accelerator  Species : Au+Au, d+Au, proton+proton, Cu+Cu  Energy : √ s _NN = 22.5, 62.5, 200, 500 GeV ⇒ The RHIC accelerator provides various collision systems at a broad range of c.m.s energy. (200Gev is the maximum energy for ion.)

6 6 What has been measured in PHENIX? φ mesons φ→e + e - BR ~ 10 -4 φ→K + K - BR ~ 50 % ω mesons ω→e + e - BR ~ 10 -5 ω→π 0 γ BR ~ 9 % ω→π 0 π + π - BR ~ 90 % Line shape analysis (Mass peak and width) ⇒ Line shape modification (Mass peaks and width) may be small due to small fraction of φ&ω decay inside a deconfined matter. (τ QGP = 10 fm/c, τ φ = 46 fm/c, τ ω = 23 fm/c ) Yield analysis (Branching ratio) ⇒ The yield of mesons in case of each decay mode can induce significant change (Yiels trough e+e- compared to K+K- channels could be changed because m φ ~m k ). PHENIX has unique capability to measure various decay mode of mesons.

7 New analysis : no PID methods ( I’m thinking now )

8 New analysis : new background subtraction methods new background subtraction methods ( I’m thinking now !! )

9 9 Result : φ meson

10 pT spectra of φ mesons Npart Scaling Discussion : 1) Can we merge several prerim. Plots ? 2) Can we change to make physics cleat by using their data points ? (i.e. Npart scaling like above ) 3) I will add phi->KK results (with PID)

11 pT spectra of omega mesons Npart Scaling

12 12 The yield and temperature for φ mesons I will make a new plot to add points (phi->KK at pp PPG085 etc). So this page will be updated.

13 13 The yield of ω mesons ω→e+e- Au+Au 200 GeV PHENIX Preliminary I will make a new plot to add points (new prelimin. Etc ). So this page will be updated.

14 14 Line shape for φ →K + K - PRC 72 014903 (2007) Mass centroid Mass centroid at all centralities are consistent with the PDG value within errors. Mass width There is no convincing evidence of φ width variation as a function of the number of participant nucleons. ⇒ Now analysis for φ→e + e - in Au+Au collision √s_NN = 200 GeV is going on !

15 15 Line shape for ω mesons PRC 75 051902 (2007) ω mass measured in the π 0 π + π - decay as a function of pT in d+Au and p+p are consistent with the PDG value within errors. ⇒ Now ω analysis in Au+Au collision √s_NN = 200 GeV are going on !

16 16 Summary Measurement of mass state for light vector mesons (φ,ω) are powerful to study the property of partonic matter.  The PHENIX detector is versatile device to measure electron, photon as well as hadron at the same time.  Analysis of light vector mesons via various decay channel in various collision systems at a broad range of collision energy make progress in PHENIX.  Line shape analysis φ mesons : There are no mass modification of φ → K + K - in Au+Au √s_NN = 200 GeV. φ→e + e - analysis is in progress. ω mesons : The mass is consistent with the PDG value in d+Au and p+p in √s_NN=200GeV. Analysis in Au+Au is in progress.  Yield analysis …()

17 17 Thank you for inviting me to Quark Matter 2008 ! I return thanks to all pariticipants and Collaborators!!

18 Back up

19 19 Photon & Hadron measurement K+K+ K-K- φ→K + K - MomentumHadron ID π-π- π+π+ ω γ γ π0π0 γγ γ γ π0π0 ω→π 0 π + π - ω→π 0 γγ Energy Momentum Hadron ID Photon ID  Photon and hadron is separated by shower shape in EMC.  Electron is rejected RICH veto. Hadron ID  Hadron identification is mainly done by Time of flight. Time of flight for hadrons

20 20 Electron measurement e+e+ e-e- MomentumElectron ID Why electrons ?  Electrons carry the original information inside a deconfined matter due to no strong interaction in medium. Electron ID  Electron identification is mainly done by RICH and Energy-Momentum Matching. Energy-Momentum matching in Au+Au φ→e + e - ω→e + e -

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