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Information for Parents on Key Stage 2 SATs. Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment). Usually taken at the end of Key.

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Presentation on theme: "Information for Parents on Key Stage 2 SATs. Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment). Usually taken at the end of Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information for Parents on Key Stage 2 SATs

2 Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment). Usually taken at the end of Key Stage 2 (at age 11). 19 March 2016

3 Around 75%+ of children nationally are at Level 4 by the end of Key Stage 2. Some children will still be at Level 3 and some children will achieve Level 5 or above. A small percentage of children will not yet be working at Level 3. 19 March 2016

4 For children working at Level 3 and above, there are two sorts of assessments:  Tests  Teacher assessments. For children working below Level 3, the only statutory assessment is teacher assessment and those children do not take the tests. 19 March 2016

5 This year the tests dates will be from Monday 12 th - Thursday 15 th May. It will be a busy week for children and staff and parents. 19 March 2016

6 Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher or teachers know about a child, including observations, marked work and school assessments. Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable. There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test levels. 19 March 2016


8 English grammar, punctuation and spelling – Paper 1 - 40 to 50 short-answer questions covering grammar, punctuation and vocabulary; Paper 2 - a spelling test with 20 questions. English reading – one paper based on reading comprehension of three to four texts, with a total of 35 to 40 questions.

9 19 March 2016 Now....your turn

10 34 Circle all the adverbs in the sentence below. Open the drawers carefully and quietly when using the filing cabinet. 35 Add a suffix to this word to make an adjective. dread ______________ 19 March 2016 ful

11 Although his Mum thought they were very smart, Peter disliked his new trousers. Because he couldn’t go swimming, Ali unpacked his towel. 19 March 2016 _________________________________

12 37 Complete the sentence below with a contraction that makes sense. If you give me the recipe____________ buy the ingredients on the way home. 19 March 2016 I’ll

13 19 March 2016 In addition, high-achieving children may be entered for Level 6 SATs papers in the same subjects. if they don’t pass, they are awarded the grade from their level 3-5 papers instead.

14 19 March 2016 Maths Paper 1 - lasting 45 minutes, Maths Paper 2 - lasting 45 minutes, Paper 3 - a 20 minute mental maths test.

15 Children’s marks from all three maths tests are combined to calculate their overall level. Teachers may read questions in both written maths papers to pupils if asked. This Year...No calculators are allowed in the level 3-5 maths tests 19 March 2016

16 Now....your turn

17 19 March 2016 Science sampling will take place every two years. Science Paper 1 - lasting 25 minutes Science Paper 2 - lasting 25 minutes Science Paper 3 - lasting 25 minutes

18 This year...The science sampling test will be taken within a two-week period from Monday 2 June 2014. Results will only be published at a national level; neither schools nor parents will be given their children’s individual results, and they won’t be used in league tables. 19 March 2016

19 All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin. Tests are completed in classrooms, with any displays that may help covered over. The LA monitor 10% of schools per year. Children are divided into groups for the test to ensure they are properly supported and feel secure. 19 March 2016

20 In the reading test, children must read the text and questions by themselves, but MAY have help recording their answers, if this is done in a normal classroom situation. In maths teachers can read questions to any child who asks, some children will have the whole paper read to them, on a one to one. 19 March 2016

21  Teachers can encourage, but not guide or say that an answer is correct or incorrect.  Some children can be given up to 25% extra time if they have identified learning needs. This has to be applied for in advance.  This year...Teachers will be able to request extra time for children based on their own observations, rather than having to provide evidence from a specialist professional 19 March 2016

22  The best help is interest taken in learning and progress.  Attending meetings and parents evenings.  Supporting learning at home (homework).  Not putting children under too much pressure  Ensuring children arrive for tests: -in good time -having had breakfast -having gone to bed at a reasonable time 19 March 2016

23 interest  The best help is interest in their learning and progress.  Attending meetings and parents evenings. homework  Supporting learning at home (homework).  Not putting children under too much pressure  Ensuring children arrive for tests: time -in good time breakfast -having had breakfast bed -having gone to bed at a reasonable time 19 March 2016

24 12 th May13 th May14 th May15 th May16 th May Reading Test 1 hour English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Mental Maths Test 20 minutes Maths Test B 45 minutes Maths Test A 45 minutes Level 6 Reading Level 6 SPAGLevel 6 Maths papers 1 & 2 19 March 2016

25 Thank you

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