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Pedro Bracamonte Graduation Portfolio Castle Park High School Class of 2004.

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2 Pedro Bracamonte Graduation Portfolio Castle Park High School Class of 2004

3 Personal Background My name is Pedro Bracamonte I come from a Mexican family. I grew up here in Chula Vista. I have lived here since I was 6 years old.

4 School Experience at CPHS I was in Ballet Folclorico a Mexican dance class. I did my 30 hours of community service by helping the elder people in my uncles street. I took a Physical Education class my Freshman year.

5 Best Work #1 This assignment was a test I took in my Geometry class on Triangles. This test dealt with ESLR # 4 With this test I had a great understanding of how I can do good on test. This might relate to my future when I become a father and my child is having problems solving problems similar to this.

6 Best work # 2 This is a Quiz took in my Government class. This Quiz dealt with ESLR # 1 I learned about the beginning of American Government. This relates to my future in a huge way because I will need to know the origins of the U.S Government when I am in college.

7 Future Plans Short-Term Go to College Get a car Long-Term Get a House Have a family

8 Final Reflections School has prepared me for life by setting goals for me and enforcing the 4 ESLRS Self directed learner helped me become more knowledgeable. I used ESLR #2 when I did my community service. ESLR # 3 was met in my communications class. ESLR # 4 and my personal favorite was met in my math class

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