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Meet the teachers Primary 3 September 2011. Meet the teachers Miss Bicheno P3a Miss Wilson P3b Mrs Brown and Mrs Skelly P3c Mrs Gilhooley P3/4.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the teachers Primary 3 September 2011. Meet the teachers Miss Bicheno P3a Miss Wilson P3b Mrs Brown and Mrs Skelly P3c Mrs Gilhooley P3/4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the teachers Primary 3 September 2011

2 Meet the teachers Miss Bicheno P3a Miss Wilson P3b Mrs Brown and Mrs Skelly P3c Mrs Gilhooley P3/4

3 Welcome to Towerbank Primary School Purpose of this evening is to share information about: Curriculum for Excellence Primary 3 curriculum Learning and teaching approaches used in P3 Classroom routines and lunchtimes Behaviour expectations Homework Parent – school partnership

4 Curriculum for Excellence The ambition of Curriculum for Excellence is that all children and every young person will become: Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Effective contributors Opportunities will be provided for young people to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work

5 A Day in the Life of a Primary 3

6 Literacy and English Achievement in Literacy programme Active learning activities such as: –Be the teacher –Bingo –Scrabble spelling Daily independent writing tasks Weekly focussed writing lesson linked to topic Listening and talking skills –Wheel of news –Talking partners –Cooperative learning teams –Questioning - using question words

7 Reading Children in groups for focussed reading. –Reading toolkit skills –Questioning and comprehension –Bloom’s Taxonomy –Book Detectives activities Reading for enjoyment –ERIC time –Story time

8 A Day in the Life of a Primary 3

9 Numeracy and Mathematics Collaborative Teaching approach –Targeted to children’s needs Number and non-number concepts across the year –Cross-curricular learning –Stand-alone topics Numeracy Circle Active learning activities Written tasks ICT –Education City games

10 A Day in the Life of a Primary 3

11 Health and Wellbeing Calm time Feelings wall Circle time Positive classroom ethos Two hours of PE –PE specialist –Outdoor PE games Use of outdoor space –Playground toys –Football rota

12 Cooperative Learning Children sit in ‘home’ teams. These will change over the course of the year. Working together skills such as: –Using quiet voices –Being a good listener –Being encouraging Cooperative learner roles such as: –Noise monitor –Encourager –Resource manager –Scribe Developing skills through cross-curricular activities.

13 Topic Combination of class, stage and whole school topics. We Matter –Cooperative learning skills –Emotional literacy –Feelings and friendship Pirates (P3) and Weather (P3/4) –Exciting context for cross-curricular learning Future topics –Portobello study –Celebrations across the world –Nativity Play

14 Positive Behaviour Golden Rules Golden Time –Shared P3 and P4 Golden time rota Merits and awards Home team table points

15 Assessment Assessment for Learning –Shared success criteria –Teacher, self and peer assessment tools –Summative assessments E.g. spelling check-ups, mental maths tests –Children involved in conversation with their teacher to set individual specific learning targets –Class and individual learning journey

16 Homework Literacy activities Reading Maths Topic Successful Learners

17 Other items of interest Open Days – Tuesday 4 th October Curriculum Evening Parents consultations Website Eco, Pupil, Health and Fairtrade councils Buddies Friday Assemblies – Celebration of Achievements

18 Helpful Reminders Money in named envelopes Homework folders to be brought everyday All clothing and shoes clearly named Absence procedure –Phone call into school on first day of absence –Note on first day back at school

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