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The March on Washington Ivonne G. U.S. History 4 th period.

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1 The March on Washington Ivonne G. U.S. History 4 th period

2 General Information The March for Washington was for jobs and freedom. It took place on August 28, 1963. It was considered the largest demonstration seen in the country’s capital.

3 The People Attending About 250,000 people attended the rally. People coming from the south were getting harassed and threatened. About a quarter of the people that attended were white. There were several organizations that went, including Martin Luther King Jr., of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

4 Known for… The march at Washington to turned out to be both a protest and a communal celebration. There was a lot of policemen that were ready to control everything, but none of these were needed. The march was noted for its civility and peacefulness.

5 The famous Speech The most memorable speech came Martin Luther King, Jr. He started off his speech with a slight remark that pointed out that there was no violence needed. Then, he moved on to “I have a dream…”

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