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Program Control Instructions Prima Dewi Purnamasari Microprocessor Department of Electrical Engineering University of Indonesia.

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1 Program Control Instructions Prima Dewi Purnamasari Microprocessor Department of Electrical Engineering University of Indonesia

2 The Jump Group  Jump (JMP) allows the programmer to skip sections of a program and branch to any part of the memory for the next instruction  A Conditional Jump allows the programmer to make decisions based upon numerical test  LOOP and conditional LOOP are also forms of the jump instruction. 2

3 Unconditional Jump  Three types: short jump, near jump, far jump.  Short jump (2-byte) allows jumps or branches to memory locations within +127 and –128 bytes from the address following the jump  Near jump (3-byte) allows a branch or jump within ±32K bytes from the instruction in the current code segment. 3

4  Far jump (5 byte) allows a jump to any memory location within the real memory system.  The short and near jumps are often called intrasegment jumps.  Far jumps are called intersegment jumps. 4

5 Figure 6 – 1 The three main forms of the JMP instruction. Note that Disp is either an 8- or 16-bit signed displacement or distance. 5

6 Short Jump  Called relative jumps because they can be moved, with related software, to any location in the current code segment without a change.  jump address is not stored with the opcode  a distance, or displacement, follows the opcode  The short jump displacement is a distance represented by a 1-byte signed number whose value ranges between +127 and –128. 6

7 Figure 6 – 2 A short jump to four memory locations beyond the address of the next instruction. –when the microprocessor executes a short jump, the displacement is sign-extended and added to the instruction pointer (IP/EIP) to generate the jump address within the current code segment –The instruction branches to this new address for the next instruction in the program

8  When a jump references an address, a label normally identifies the address.  The JMP NEXT instruction is an example.  it jumps to label NEXT for the next instruction  very rare to use an actual hexadecimal address with any jump instruction  The label NEXT must be followed by a colon (NEXT:) to allow an instruction to reference it  if a colon does not follow, you cannot jump to it  The only time a colon is used is when the label is used with a jump or call instruction. 8

9 Near Jump  A near jump passes control to an instruction in the current code segment located within ±32K bytes from the near jump instruction.  distance is ±2G in 80386 and above when operated in protected mode  Near jump is a 3-byte instruction with opcode followed by a signed 16-bit displacement.  80386 - Pentium 4 displacement is 32 bits and the near jump is 5 bytes long

10 Figure 6 – 3 A near jump that adds the displacement (0002H) to the contents of IP.

11  The near jump is also relocatable because it is also a relative jump.  This feature, along with the relocatable data segments, Intel microprocessors ideal for use in a general-purpose computer system.  Software can be written and loaded anywhere in the memory and function without modification because of the relative jumps and relocatable data segments.

12 Far Jump  Obtains a new segment and offset address to accomplish the jump:  bytes 2 and 3 of this 5-byte instruction contain the new offset address  bytes 4 and 5 contain the new segment address

13 Figure 6 – 4 A far jump instruction replaces the contents of both CS and IP with 4 bytes following the opcode.

14 Short JUMP 0000 33 DB XOR BX, BX 0002 B8 0001 START: MOV AX, 1 0005 03 C3AND AX, BX 0007 EB 17JMP SHORT NEXT 0020 8B DBNEXT:MOV BX, AX 0022 EB DEJMP START 0009H+17H = 0020H IP = 0007H + 02H = 0009H

15 Near JUMP 0000 33 DB XOR BX, BX 0002 B8 0001 START: MOV AX, 1 0005 03 C3AND AX, BX 0007 E9 0200 RJMP NEXT 0200 8B DBNEXT:MOV BX, AX 0202 E9 0002 RJMP START

16 Far JUMP EXTRN UP:FAR 0000 33 DB XOR BX, BX 0002 B8 0001 START: ADD AX, 1 0005 E9 0200 JMP NEXT 0200 8B DBNEXT:MOV BX, AX 0202 EA 0002 ---- RJMP FAR PTR START 0207 EA 0000 ---- EJMP UP ; R stands for relocatable ;E stands for external ;these addresses are established during the linking process

17 Jumps with Register Operands  Jump can also use a 16- or 32-bit register as an operand.  automatically sets up as an indirect jump  address of the jump is in the register specified by the jump instruction  Unlike displacement associated with the near jump, register contents are transferred directly into the instruction pointer.  An indirect jump does not add to the instruction pointer.  JMP AX, for example, copies the contents of the AX register into the IP.  allows a jump to any location within the current code segment 17

18 .MODEL SMALL.DATA 0000 0030 RTABLE: DW ONE 0002 0034 R DW TWO 0004 0038 R DW THREE.CODE.STARTUP 0017 TOP:MOV AH, 1 0019 INT 21 ;read into AL 001BSUB AL, 31 001DJB TOP 001FCMP AL, 2 0021JA TOP 0023MOV AH, 0 0025ADD AX, AX 0027MOV SI, OFFSET TABLE 002AADD SI, AX 002CMOV AX, [SI] 002EJMP AX 0030 ONE:MOV DL, ‘1’ 0032 JMP BOT 0034TWO: MOV DL, ‘2’ 0036JMP BOT 0038THREE:MOV DL, ‘3’ 003AMOV AH, 2 003CINT 21 H.EXIT.END

19 Indirect Jump Using an Index  It uses the [ ] form of addressing to directly access the jump table  The JMP Table [SI] instruction (example 6.5) points to a jump address stored at the code segment offset location addressed by SIexample 6.5 19

20 20 Example 6.5.MODEL SMALL ;select small model 0000.DATA;start of data segment 0000 0030 RTABLEDW ONE;define lookup table 0002 0034 RDW TWO 0004 0038 R DW THREE 0000.CODE;start code segment.STARTUP;start of program 0017TOP: 0017 B4 01 MOV AH,1;read key into AL 0019 CD 21 INT 21H 001B 2C 31 SUB AL,31H;convert to biner 001D 72 F8JB TOP;if below ‘1’ typed 001F 3C 02CMP AL,2 0021 77 F4JA TOP;if above ‘3’ typed 0023 B4 00MOV AH,0;calculate table address 0025 03 C0ADD AX,AX 0027 03 F0ADD SI,AX 0029 FF A4 0000 RJMP TABLE [SI];jump to ONE, TWO or THREE 002DONE: 002D B2 31MOV DL,’1’;load DL with ‘1’ 002F EB 06 JMP BOT 0031TWO: 0031 B2 32 MOV DL,’2’;load DL with ‘2’ 0033 EB 02 JMP BOT 0035THREE: 0035 B2 33MOV DL,’3’;load DL with‘3’ 0037BOT: 0037 B4 02 MOV AH,2;display ONE, Two or THREE 0039 CD 21 INT 21H.EXIT;exit to DOS END;end of file

21 Conditional Jump and Conditional Sets  The conditional jump instructions test the following flag bits: sign (S), zero (Z), carry (C), parity (P), and overflow (O) --- see Table 6.1Table 6.1  if the condition under test is true, a branch to the label associated with the jump instruction occurs  Otherwise, the next sequential step in the program executes  The conditional jump instructions all test flag bits, except for the JCXZ (jump if CX=0) and JECXZ (study the example 6.6) example 6.6  See also Table 6.2 for the conditional set instruction Table 6.2 21

22  Conditional jump instructions test flag bits:  sign (S), zero (Z), carry (C)  parity (P), overflow (0)  If the condition under test is true, a branch to the label associated with the jump instruction occurs.  if false, next sequential step in program executes  for example, a JC will jump if the carry bit is set  Most conditional jump instructions are straightforward as they often test one flag bit.  although some test more than one

23  When signed numbers are compared, use the JG, JL, JGE, JLE, JE, and JNE instructions.  terms greater than and less than refer to signed numbers  When unsigned numbers are compared, use the JA, JB, JAB, JBE, JE, and JNE instructions.  terms above and below refer to unsigned numbers  Remaining conditional jumps test individual flag bits, such as overflow and parity.  All instructions have alternates, but many aren’t used in programming because they don’t usually fit the condition under test.  notice that JE has an alternative op-code JZ


25 25

26 LOOP  Loop  It is a combination of a decrement CX and JNZ conditional jump  Example 6.7 shows how to add data in a block of memory with data in another block of memory Example 6.7  Conditional Loops  LOOPE (loop while equal) jumps if CX != 0 while an equal condition exists (the same as LOOPZ)  LOOPNE (loop while not equal) jumps if CX != 0 while a not-equal condition exists (LOOPNZ) 26

27 Conditional LOOPs  Example  Assume that you want to test if all of 200 memory locations starting at the offset of 1680H contain 55H MOV CX, 200 MOV SI, 1680H BACK:CMP [SI], 55H İ NC S İ LOOPE BACK

28 Conditional LOOPs  Example  Find the first day that had a 90 degree Fahrenheit in 30 days with the values stored at offset 1200h MOV CX, 30 MOV S İ, 1200H BACK:COMPARE [S İ ], 90 İ NC S İ LOOPNE BACK

29 29 Example 6.7 ;A program that sums the contens of BLOCK1 and BLOCK2 ;and stores the result over top of data in BLOCK2 ;through the SI register ;.MODEL SMALL ;select small model 0000.DATA;start of data segment 0000 0064 [BLOCK1 DW100 DUP (?);100 bytes for BLOCK1 0000 ] 00C8 0064 [BLOCK2 DW100 DUP (?);100 bytes for BLOCK2 0000 ] 0000.CODE;start of code segment.STARTUP;start of program 0017 8C D8MOV AX,DS;overlap DS and ES 0019 8E C0MOV ES,AX 001B FC CLD ;select increment 001C B9 0064MOV CX,100;load count 100 001F BE 0000 RMOV SI,OFFSET BLOCK1;address BLOCK1 0022 BF 0000 RMOV DI,OFFSET BLOCK2;address BLOCK2 0025 L1: 0025 ADLODSW;load AX with BLOCK1 0026 26:03 05ADD AX,ES:[DI];add BLOCK2 data to AX 0029 ABSTOSW;store sum in BLOCK2 002A E2 F9LOOP L1;repeat 100 times.EXIT;exit to DOS END;end file

30 Controlling the Flow of an Assembly Language Program  It is much easier to use the assembly language statements.IF.,.ELSE.,.ELSEIF., and.ENDIF.  DO-WHILE Loops  Pair:.WHILE and.ENDW  REPEAT-UNTIL Loops  Pair:.REPEAT and.UNTIL 30

31 31 ; Inti Program Sequence MOVAH,30H INT 21 H.IF AL<3 && AH<30 MOVAH,4CH INT 21H.ENDIF Example 6.8(a) Example 6.8(b) ; Diagram file bahasa Mesin pada contoh 6.8 (a) ; 0000 B4 30 MOV AH,30H 0002 CD 21 INT 21H.IF AL<3 && AH<30 0004 3C 03 * CMP AL,003H 0006 73 09 * JAE @c0001 0008 80 FC 1E* CMP AH,01EH 000B 73 04 * JAE @c0001 000D B4 4C MOV AH,4CH 000F CD 21 INT 21H.ENDIF 0011 *@C0001:

32 32 Example 6.9 [c2]

33 33 Example 6.10 ; Program yang membaca sebuah key dan menyimpan dalam Hexadecimal ; Nilai pada memori lokasdi TEMP..Mode Small ; Pilih model SMALL 0000. Data ;Memulai data segmen 0000 00TEMP DB? ; define TEMP 0000.CODE ;Awal Code segment.STARTUP ; Start program 0017 B4 01 MOV AH,1 ; Pembacaan key 0019 CD 21INT 21H. IF AL>=’a’ && AL<=’f’ ; Bila huruf kecil 0023 2C 57 SUB AL,57H.ELSEIF AL>=’A’ && AL<=’F’ ; bila huruf besar 002F 2C 37.ELSE : bila angka 0033 2C 30. SUB AL,30H.ENDIF A2 0000 R MOV TEMP, AL.EXIT ; Keluar DOS END ;Akhir file

34 34

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36 PROCEDURES  Is a group of instructions that usually performs one task.  subroutine, method, or function is an important part of any system’s architecture  Reusable—stored in memory once, used as often as necessary.  Begins with the PROC directive and ends with the ENDP directive.  each directive appears with the procedure name  PROC is followed by the type of procedure:  NEAR (global) or FAR (local)


38  To use a procedure: use CALL directive followed by procedure name CALL SUMS  Disadvantage  need to link to (CALL) and return from it (RET).  CALL pushes the return address on the stack.  RET removes an address from the stack so the program returns to where it was before CALL 38

39 Figure 6 – 6 The effect of a near CALL on the stack and the instruction pointer.

40 Figure 6 – 7 The effect of a far CALL instruction.


42 Introduction to Interrupt An Interrupt is either a hardware-generated CALL (externally derived from a hardware signal) or a software-generated CALL(internally derived of the execution of an instruction or by some other internal event)  Interrupt Vectors  An interrupt vector is a 4-byte number stored in the first 1,024 bytes of memory (in the real mode)  The vector table is replaced by an interrupt descriptor table that uses 8-byte descriptors to describe each of the interrupts  There are 256 different interrupt vectors; each vector contains an address of an interrupt service procedure 42

43 Interrupt Instructions  INT, INTO, and INT 3  INTs  256 software interrupt (INT) available  Whenever a software interrupt executes, it:  pushes the flags onto the stack  clears the T and I flag bits  pushes CS onto the stack  fetches the new value for IP/EIP from the vector  jump to the new leocation (CS:IP/EIP) 43

44  IRET/IRETD  Used only with software or hardware interrupt service procedure  The IRET instruction will:  pop stack data back into the IP  pop stack data back into CS  pop stack data back into the flag register  INT 3  A special software interrupt designed to be used as a breakpoint  It is common to insert an INT 3 instruction in software to interrupt or break the flow of the software 44

45  INTO  Interrupt on overflow is a conditional software interrupt that tests the overflow flag (O)  if O = 0 the INTO instruction performs no operation  if O = 1 an INTO instruction executes  It appears in software that adds or subtracts signed binary numbers --> INTO detects the overflow condition  An Interrupt Service Procedure (Ex. 6.20)  The main difference between this procedure and a normal far procedure is that it ends with the IRET instruction instead of the RET instruction, and the contents of the flag register are saved on the stack 45

46  Interrupt Control  The set interrupt flag instruction (STI) enables the INTR pin  The clear interrupt flag instruction (CLI) disables the INTR pin  Interrupts in the Personal Computer  See Table 6.5 46

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