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Unleash The Power of Your Female Mind For Personal and Professional Success! Shonté Jovan Taylor, Msc Neuroscientist + Mindset Success Catalyst.

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Presentation on theme: "Unleash The Power of Your Female Mind For Personal and Professional Success! Shonté Jovan Taylor, Msc Neuroscientist + Mindset Success Catalyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unleash The Power of Your Female Mind For Personal and Professional Success! Shonté Jovan Taylor, Msc Neuroscientist + Mindset Success Catalyst

2 Why the Brain, Mindset & Neuroscience Shonté Jovan Taylor, LLC Copyright 2016




6 Who am I?




10 Who Are You? Mothers, Wives, Professionals, & Entrepreneurs CEO-decision maker and visionary Creator  Deconstruct Your Current Mindset Programs

11 Mindset Defined A set of BELIEFS or way THINKING that determines your BEHAVIOR and PERCEPTION.

12 Counterintuitive To Be An Woman in Modern Times Work longer hours Lack of support Pay disparities Competitive Think with our head not emotions Skimp on sleep Be all things to all people

13 Male Dominated Politics & Industries Have Reshaped Our Female Brains

14 Female vs. Male Brain

15 Your Female Brain is the secret to your success… Less Impulsive Self control Judgment Compassion & Empathy Prefrontal Cortex Emotional Brain

16 Women Use Right Brain More

17 Einstein “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

18 Success Female Mindset Brain Health, Psychology, & Mindset are the Keys

19 Worry Warts Allows us to be better at finding problems More health Conscious Live Longer

20 Mirror Neurons Allows to better leaders

21 High Emotional, Intuition & Social Intelligence Our ability to connect and persuade people in teams is key to leadership and persuading people buy into into our messages, products, and services.


23 Factors can distort our mental strengths: Hunger (low blood sugar) Lack of sleep High Stress levels Illness & Pain Noises Lack of Personal space Feelings of underappreciation or not feeling heard Lower serotonin levels Busy brains Perfectionism

24 3 Ways To Work With Me 1.1-1 Life, Professional Business Coaching 2. Group Coaching-Mindset Business Academy (MBA) Enrolling NOW!! 3.VIP Day-Brainstorming, Mindset Assessment, and Professional & Business Strategy Session Day 4. Speak to your groups, companies and organizations on brain health, leadership, Productivity & Focus Email: Website:

25 Thank You!!!!! To Your Success!!!!

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