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Because we CARE. Who are we? The Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment Center. » Offers support to students dealing with homelessness, » At risk.

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Presentation on theme: "Because we CARE. Who are we? The Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment Center. » Offers support to students dealing with homelessness, » At risk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Because we CARE

2 Who are we? The Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment Center. » Offers support to students dealing with homelessness, » At risk of being homeless, » Food insecurity, » Have been or are in foster care.

3 About CARE Center The CARE Center currently has:  Two full time staff members.  2-3 part time interns.  One food pantry.  Zero dollars in budget. The CARE Center has helped:  Over 80 students last year (2014)

4 How YOU can help! The CARE center operates entirely from donors and volunteers! The most important volunteer opportunities include: » Managing all events during HAW » Collecting donation bins across campus » Restocking and organizing the food pantry

5 Food Pantry The CARE Center needs volunteers to collect donated items. » Food must be sorted for the food pantry to make sure items are not expired. » Volunteers will sort the most needed items v. the items we have too much of. » Items are organized into 20-30 bags that are handed to the students in need.

6 Homeless Awareness Homeless Awareness Week (HAW) includes multiple events in which many volunteers are needed! » Some of the events are: HAW kick off event, » Stop Hunger Now event, » Giving Thanks Luncheon, » Invisible to Visible Fundraiser, » Homeless Vigil, and many more.

7 It’s Easy! All you have to do is sign up to volunteer! Just go to THANK YOU

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