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Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files for Verification at DWD Ulrich Pflüger Deutscher.

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Presentation on theme: "Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files for Verification at DWD Ulrich Pflüger Deutscher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files for Verification at DWD Ulrich Pflüger Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach  Current Use of Feedback Files  Some Examples of Verification Products  Use of Feedback Files in VERSUS (Requirements)

2 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Current Use of Feedback Files  in COSMO EU/DE Routine Verification and Experiment Verification  for each verification time (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) one feedback file for all data (ASCII Format)  feedback file contains  Observation data  Report meta data (coordinates, height, obs. time, flags set by data assimilation (active, passive, rejected, qc info, etc.)  Observation deviations (COSMO DE): obs-an, obs-fc06, obs-fc12, obs- fc18  Observation deviations (COSMO EU): obs-an, obs-fc06, ………..., obs- fc48  building of feedback files  inital version created by data assimilation (obs, obs-an)  Model verification run calculates deviations of forecasts for the current verification time(obs-fc06, ……….., obs-fc48)  Update of feedback file with forecasts devations

3 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Current Use of Feedback Files (continued)  feedback files are used for Upper Air Verification since more than 10 years now  COSMO EU/DE routinely verified/monitored against  radiosonde data (wind speed and direction, temp, rel.hum., geopotential)  aircraft data (wind speed and direction, temp, rel.hum.(3 aircrafts))  windprofiler (wind speed and direction, temp. (some)Δ)  vad winds (wind speed and direction)  Arbitrary verification area (definition as a rectangle(λ,φ) or via station list)  Selection of observation data according data usage and qc information  Sorting in arbitrary vertical bins  in Routine Verification Δp = 25 hPa below 800 hPa and 50 hPa above  Calculation of forecast deviation statistics for selected forecast lead times for vertical bins or for standard pressure levels, plotting as vertical profile  daily or monthly mean profiles of Mean Error (BIAS), RMSE  Up to three runs can be compared in one plot  Time Series of daily or monthly mean profiles

4 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (ML Aircraft)

5 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (RS, Comparison)

6 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (RS, Comparison)

7 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products Time Series of Daily Means of Temperature BIAS 48 h 00 h

8 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products Time Series of Monthly Means of Temperature BIAS 48 h 00 h

9 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files in VERSUS Format and Content of Feedback Files:  Format of COSMO Feedback Files will be changed from ASCII to NETCDF  The format and content is documented in the „Feedback File Definition“ by A. Rhodin and C. Schraff  with the new NETCDF files there will be probably one file for conventional observation data (Synop, RS, aircraft, windprof, etc.)  and seperate files for mass data like radar, satellite etc.  data content will remain the same (obs, obs-fcxx, data usage and qc info)

10 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files in VERSUS (continued) Requirements to a VERSUS front-end respectively VERSUS itself:  Usage of all kind of observations (Synop, RS, aircraft, windprof, vad, etc.)  Loading of feedback files from routine and experimental runs together (probably from a directory structure)  Internal data storage in VERSUS after the (VERSUS) step of assigning model data to obs data  Probably the internal VERSUS data base has to be extended in order to keep additional data like data usage information, qc information, etc.  Possibility to use qc information and data usage information for data stratification and conditional verification  e.g. selection of observations with certain level of quality  Arbitrary verification area (at least via a stationlist)  Possibility to calculate scores for any verification periods (day, sev. days, month, year)

11 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Use of Feedback Files in VERSUS (continued) Requirements to a VERSUS front-end respectively VERSUS itself:  Time series of scores (daily, monthly), also for vertical profiles of scores  Operation of VERSUS via GUI and in Batch Mode  GUI  Selection of runs  Selection of period  Selection of verification area/stations ( posibility to use same set of observations in case of comparison between experiments)  Selection between bias corrected and original reported observation values  Selection of data stratification (conditions) and scores  etc.  batch mode (necessary for operational runs and experimental runs)  Selection of runs, period, etc. via a control file

12 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Thank you for your attention

13 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (Comparison)

14 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (Comparison)

15 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (Comparison)

16 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (Comparison)

17 Deutscher Wetterdienst FE 15 04.03.2010 VERSUS 2 Priority Project Meeting Langen Examples for Upper Air Verification Products: Monthly Mean Profiles for BIAS and RMSE (Comparison)

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