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By Daniel Witt.  What is noticed  This plane is big.

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Presentation on theme: "By Daniel Witt.  What is noticed  This plane is big."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Daniel Witt

2  What is noticed  This plane is big.

3  What you are trying to learn  If ___ than___ question  Are Jet engines more powerful than regular engines?

4  Hypothesis- what you think will happen, this car goes fast.  Theory- tested thousands of times and believed to be true, this car goes really fast.

5  Pure science- Trying to figure out big questions, like what the meaning of life is, evolution, etc. Often has little to no effect on present life.  Applied science- Science that effects us right now, how can we get more lift out of aircraft, how can we retard global warming.

6  IV- independent variable (what you change)  DV- dependent variable (resulting change)  CV constant variable (never changes)  Eg. High wing vs low wing planes; IV is wing hieght, DV is handling

7 Non-opinionated test

8  Bar used when time is not a factor  Line used when time is a factor.

9  What is believed to have happened

10  Mean- Determined by adding all numbers than by dividing how many total numbers there are  Median- determined by arranging all numbers numerically than removing one from each side  Mode- number that appears most often

11  Control- No change; the regular moped  Experimental- change; the “manly” moped with twin jet engines.

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