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Staff-Student Consultation Committees Dr. David Broom Course Leader - Physical Activity, Health and Exercise Science Acknowledgements - Damian Kingsbury.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff-Student Consultation Committees Dr. David Broom Course Leader - Physical Activity, Health and Exercise Science Acknowledgements - Damian Kingsbury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff-Student Consultation Committees Dr. David Broom Course Leader - Physical Activity, Health and Exercise Science Acknowledgements - Damian Kingsbury and David Rogerson

2 Outline of this Thunderstorm Importance of giving the students a voice How staff-student consultation committees used to run How staff-student consultation committees now run The SSCC feedback spread-sheet Room for improvement.

3 Importance of giving the students a voice Feedback is needed so that we can continually improve our learning, teaching and assessment Students are our consumers and they want to give us feedback on the service we are offering We are judged on our ability to act on feedback through KPI's such as the NSS Is a requirement of the QAA

4 How staff-student consultation committees used to run Twice a year The whole Department in a room Breakouts with discipline specific student reps Staff 'put on the spot' by student reps almost badgered to be critical.

5 How staff-student consultation committees now run Staff-Student Forum, where cohort feedback issues, problems and positive feed- forward is given to Course Representatives and the Course Leader ↓ Issues, problems and positive feed forward are reported to Module Leaders and teaching team, via SSCC feedback spreadsheet. Module Leaders respond to comments ↓ Staff-Student Consultation Committee held, where staff address issues raised in SSCC feedback spreadsheet ↓ Course Representatives provide comment on staff points, to determine whether points have been addressed satisfactorily ↓ SSCC feedback spreadsheet is made available to cohort, via Course Organisation shuspace sites ↓ Any issues not satisfactorily addressed are forwarded to the Agenda for the next SSCC

6 The SSCC feedback spread-sheet

7 Room for improvement Personally - Communicating to students how we have acted on their feedback From this years course review: Clashes with teaching and busy periods meant that some staff were unable to attend We should consult students how they would like to feedback on their courses Feedback should be two-way. Whilst students should feedback to staff, staff should be able to feedback to students.

8 Thank You for Listening ANY QUESTIONS ?

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