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COACHING AND MENTORING Learning Focused Relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "COACHING AND MENTORING Learning Focused Relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 COACHING AND MENTORING Learning Focused Relationship

2 KEY CONCEPTS Learning Focused Relationships Offering SupportFacilitating Professional Vision Creating Challenge Consulting ----------------------Collaborating--------------------------Coaching Planning Reflecting Problem Solving Conversations Conversations Conversations

3 Learning Focused Relationship FUNCTIONS Support  Emotional  Physical  Instructional  Institutional Challenges  Goal Driven  Data Focused  Thought Provoking Facilitates Vision  High expectations for self & students  Lifelong Learning  Professional Identity EXAMPLES

4 Learning Focused Toolkit Attending Fully Pauses After a question After receiving a response While you are framing your response Mediational Questions

5 Learning Toolkit continued Paraphrases  Acknowledge & Clarify So you are feeling... You're noticing that... In other words...  Summarize and organize So, there seems to be two key issues here One the one hand...and on the other...  Shifting level of Abstraction Up So, an_____ for you might be_____ Category Label  Shifting level of Abstraction Down So for an ____ for you might be_______ Example

6 Balance in Conversations Ensure shared goals Then ask what challenges do you see? Summarize/paraphrase Then ask how is that going for you? Paraphrase answer In your experience...problem solving “Now that we are ending the conversation...” restate goals and ask mentee to identify new goal

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