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Human Resource on Health: Gender Dimension Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Thaksaphol Thammarangsri.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource on Health: Gender Dimension Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Thaksaphol Thammarangsri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource on Health: Gender Dimension Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Thaksaphol Thammarangsri

2 Objectives To investigate the differences between gender, mobility from –rural to urban areas –public to the private sector –training opportunities –career development Data collected from cohorts (1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993) from a cohort retrospective survey of doctor mobility conducted by Suwit et al in 1998

3 Sampling Population CohortMaleFemale Number%Number% 197313468.46231.6 197813073.94626.1 198313976.04323.5 198813077.43822.6 199310059.96538.9

4 Income level and working hours

5 Income Level (percent) FemaleMale <20,000 20,000- 40,000 40,001- 60,000 60,001- 80,000 >80,000

6 Working hour by full-time equivalent (40hour = 1 FTE) FemaleMale 0.5-0.991.0-1.49<0.491.5-1.99 2.0-2.492.5-2.993.0+

7 Average working hour per week

8 Percentage of income from private sector as compared to total income Female Male 1-24%25-49%Private only 50-74%75-99%Public only

9 Type of specialist training by sex and year graduated FemaleMale SurgeryObs-gynMedicinePediatric Orthopedic Radiologist Others

10 Average number of years from graduation to specialist training

11 Percentage of doctors moving from district to urban area

12 Average number of years working in district hospital before moving

13 Survival function of male doctors in district hospital

14 Survival function of female doctors in district hospital

15 Percentage of doctors moving from public to private

16 Average number of years working in public sector before moving to private

17 Survival function of male doctors in public sector

18 Survival function of female doctors in public sector

19 Factors related to relocation from district hospitals to urban areas or to Bangkok (LPM) Male-0.106*** 19780.124** 19830.268*** 19880.232*** 19930.044 Khon Kaen -0.227*** Chiangmai-0.132** Srinakarinwirot0.419* Songkla-0.152*

20 Time (years) worked in district hospitals before moving to urban areas or to Bangkok (LPM) Male0.294 1978-1.665*** 1983-1.567*** 1988-1.677*** 1993-3.169*** % of public 0.010**

21 Summary Older cohorts work longer in rural areas than the younger cohortsOlder cohorts work longer in rural areas than the younger cohorts Women stay shorter and are more likely to move to urban areasWomen stay shorter and are more likely to move to urban areas Majority of doctors moved out after 3 yearsMajority of doctors moved out after 3 years If they can survive after 5 years, it is less likely to move outIf they can survive after 5 years, it is less likely to move out Graduated from Universities outside Bangkok are more likely to stay in rural areasGraduated from Universities outside Bangkok are more likely to stay in rural areas

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