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Seventh Grade Mathematics Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Seventh Grade Mathematics Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seventh Grade Mathematics Meghan Cassady St. Mary School 2015-2016

2 Contact Information (preferred contact) –Note: email is not checked after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends Can find links to my email and teacher website on SMS website Hotline Extension to leave a message –Ext. 8312 –My hotline extension can be used for you to leave a message, all homework assignments and announcements can be found on my website. For updates on your child’s grades please see Option C.

3 Curriculum The Number System Ratios and Proportional Relationship Expression and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability

4 Homework Homework assignments are written down each day on the classroom whiteboard. I do my best to remind students of homework at the end of each class. Homework is also posted on my webpage each day.

5 Homework Worksheets that either review and reinforce the information learned in class, or enrich students’ thinking will be given most nights. Simple Solutions assignments will be given every Monday-Thursday. POW assignments will be handed out each Friday.

6 Grades and Expectations I will follow all grading policies found in the handbook. Math assignments are graded using the point system rather than weighting assignments. Late work policy:  Simple Solutions assignments and workbook pages are entered in Option C on a weekly basis. Late assignments are not accepted as these are taken as completion grades and for minimal points. –I will occasionally assign work or projects that are counted for more points than the nightly Simple Solutions and workbook pages. In this case, Assignments are expected to be turned in on time. If an assignment is one day late, they will be taken as 70% of the grade you receive. If you turn in an assignment two days past due or later, it will be entered in the grade book as one (1) point to show that you have turned it in, but credit will not be received –If additional time is needed on an assignment, please let me know as soon as possible!

7 Quizzes and Tests Quizzes  Mostly Simple Solutions  Will be given at least 1-2 days notice for quizzes Tests  Culminating (Big Picture) ideas of unit of study  Will do my best to give a week's notice for tests  Students should prepare for tests by completing Chapter Reviews and any problems I recommend in class.

8 Textbooks Students have received one mathematics textbook which we will use all year. Math textbooks must be covered at all times! Responsibility cards will be checked for students who do not have their books covered. Students have also received workbooks and Simple Solutions books which will be used for homework assignments.

9 Math Notes Students are expected to outline the section in class by following along with my notes. On rare occasions, students may be asked to finish reading and outlining notes for homework.

10 Extra Credit I will be giving a chance for extra credit every other week These assignments are called POW (Problem of the Week) I will put POW assignments in the POW folder each Monday, and students will have until the Friday of that week to complete the assignment and turn it in To receive full points, these assignments must be completed in a specific format which I will go over with students before the first POW is handed out As these are EXTRA credit assignments, they will not be posted on my website. Part of earning the extra credit is that students are being responsible enough to keep track of their papers Each POW is worth up to 4 points

11 Questions?

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