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Unit 8 Who Is the Boss? Extension Activity. Activity One: Birth Order Activity Two: Guess! Guess AGAIN!

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Who Is the Boss? Extension Activity. Activity One: Birth Order Activity Two: Guess! Guess AGAIN!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Who Is the Boss? Extension Activity

2 Activity One: Birth Order Activity Two: Guess! Guess AGAIN!

3 Activity One Birth Order

4 After reading the article, we’ve learned that birth order may affect one’s characteristics.

5 Below is a quiz. See how much you can guess right.

6 1. Likes being the center of adult attention. Often has difficulty sharing with siblings and peers. Prefers adult company and uses adult language. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

7 2. May become authoritarian or strict. Feels power is his right. Can become helpful if encouraged. May turn to Father after birth of next child. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

8 3. Is more competitive, wants to overtake the older child. May become a rebel or try to outdo everyone. Competition can deteriorate into rivalry. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

9 4. May be even-tempered, “take it or leave it” attitude. May have trouble finding a place or become a fighter of injustice. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

10 5. Wants to be bigger than the others. May have huge plans that never work out. Can stay the “baby.” Frequently spoiled. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS


12 7. Child may exploit Mother’s over-concern for his well-being, or he may rebel, and protest the feeling of being compared to an idealized memory. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

13 8. Child may become very spoiled and demanding. Eventually, he may resent or idealize the biological parents. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

14 9. May try to prove he is the man in the family, or become effeminate. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS

15 10. Can become very feminine, or a tomboy and outdo the brothers. May try to please the father. YOUNGEST ONLY CHILD OLDEST SECOND MIDDLE TWIN “GHOST CHILD” ADOPTED ONLY BOY AMONG GIRLS ONLY GIRL AMONG BOYS



18 Activity Two Guess! Guess! Guess AGAIN!

19 You’ve learnt more about the characteristics of birth order. Now, after a short brief summary, we will begin another quiz.

20 The firstborn: More conscientious, ambitious and aggressive than their younger siblings. Successful in engineering or law.

21 The Middle Children: Middle children are more easygoing and peer-oriented. Since they can get lost in the shuffle of their own families, they learn to build bridges to other sources of support and thus tend to have excellent people skills.

22 The Youngest Children: The youngest child tends to be the most creative and can be very charming—even manipulative. Successful in journalism, advertising, sales and the arts.

23 Only Children: Only children have similar characteristics to firstborns and are frequently burdened with high parental expectations. Research shows they are more confident, articulate and likely to use their imagination than other children. They also expect a lot from others, hate criticism, can be inflexible and are likely to be perfectionists.

24 Now, guess the birth order of these celebrities.

25 Bill Clinton Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

26 Bill Gates Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

27 Cameron Diaz Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

28 Madonna Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

29 Bruce Willis Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

30 Tiger Woods Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

31 Princess Diana Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

32 Leonardo Da Vinci Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

33 Eddie Murphy Only Child Youngest Middle Firstborn

34 Correct Guess

35 Wrong Guess

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