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UNIT 1 - Review! The State Types of Governments Basic Concepts of Democracy US GOVERNMENT Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1 - Review! The State Types of Governments Basic Concepts of Democracy US GOVERNMENT Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 1 - Review! The State Types of Governments Basic Concepts of Democracy US GOVERNMENT Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500

2 What are the four characteristics of a state? Population, territory, government and sovereignty.

3 The theory of how a state comes into existence espoused by Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke? Social Contract Theory

4 What is the characteristic of a state which means complete, independent control and autonomy? sovereignty

5 What is the system by which a state makes and enforces its public policy? Government

6 The theories of a state evidenced by the formation of the US Constitution and the addition of 27 amendments over the past 200+ years ? (theories must be articulated in the correct order) Social Contract and Evolutionary Theories

7 Type of government in which all power originates from one central location? unitary

8 The type of government in which there is a division of power among various levels of government? Federal.

9 The type of government(s) witnessed in England through the leadership of the Queen and Prime Minister? Monarchy and Parliamentary.

10 The type of government that most often comes into existence through the force theory Dictatorial or Totalitarian

11 The type of government in which citizens entrust their representatives to choose others to govern over the masses? Republic

12 When Jefferson stated – “all men are created equal” what two things did he mean by that? Opportunity and under the law

13 What is the basic concept of democracy which guarantees freedom of expression to ALL people within the country regardless of their political standing? Majority Rules but Minorities have rights

14 What is the basic concept of democracy that is defined by Holmes’s quote that “the right to swing my fist, ends where the other man’s nose begins”? Individual Freedom *** DAILY DOUBLE ***

15 What is the basic concept of democracy which desires a plurality of agreement on decision making Necessity of Compromise

16 What basic concept of democracy mandates that the dignity and value of all must be preserved? Fundamental Worth of the Individual

17 Name two confederacies that the US is a part of? UN, NATO, or NAFTA

18 Name the five types of government that are all present in the US at the same time? Direct Democracy, Indirect Democracy, Republic, Presidential, and Federal

19 Name three examples of how the US is a republican form of government on the national level. Electoral college, supreme court appointments, ambassador appointments and Cabinet appointments, *** DAILY DOUBLE ***

20 2 pilars of catholic social teaching Charity and justice

21 Name the three branches of government in order that they appear in the constitution and their principal function. Legislative – makes law Executive – enforces law Judicial – interprets law, constitution

22 Who is Ohio’s Secretary of State? Jon Husted

23 Name 2 examples of republic government with the president’s power to appoint US Supreme Court, Ambassadors, Cabinet

24 Name of Ohio’s Congress General Assembly

25 Happy…. Birthday

26 Qualification to be US president? 35 yrs old, natural born citizen, 14 yrs a resident

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