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Organizational Development Philippine Perspective LIHernandez.

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1 Organizational Development Philippine Perspective 12010 @ LIHernandez

2 OD in the Philippines There are more men than women in OD in the Philippines. Many of them are young, with ages ranging from 30 to 40 years. They come from various academic backgrounds although half took up Psychology. Majority of these practitioners work for business organizations. They are hired either internal or external consultants. 22010 @ LIHernandez

3 Concept of OD OD involves the total organization system although only a subsystem of the organization may be involved OD views the organization from the systems approach OD is a planned effort that involves systematic diagnosis of the problem, a program for the improvement of the system and a mobilization of the organization’s resources to carry out the program 32010 @ LIHernandez

4 Concept of OD OD is supported by top management OD is intended to increase the organization’s competence and health. A healthy organization is one that manages its work toward goals commonly shared by members; and where decisions are made near the center of information, members are rewarded according to performance, communication lines are open, feelings are permitted to be legitimate part of the culture, win/lose conflicts between groups and individuals are minimal clashes centered on tasks and projects and not on interpersonal difficulties. 2010 @ LIHernandez4

5 Concept of OD OD uses an OD consultant (3 rd party agent) and the relationship between the client and consultant is collaborative OD uses knowledge and techniques taken from the behavioral sciences, and emphasizes group and organizational processes OD attempts to solve problems experienced by members of an organization and relies on strategies based on experience 2010 @ LIHernandez5

6 Concept of OD OD uses action-research intervention which involves collating data about the system, a preliminary diagnosis of the situation, a preliminary diagnosis of the situation, feedback about findings, joint planning by the OD consultant or change agent and the client group, implementation of the planned action, and finally, a rediagnosis of the situation. The cycle of action-research is repeated necessary. 2010 @ LIHernandez6

7 OD Concept in the Philippines 2010 @ LIHernandez7

8 Application of OD in the Philippines OD in the country has often been implemented in response to internal, rather than external factors due to – ◦Practitioners choose to deal with internal systems ◦Practitioners lack the skills to handle problems related to external forces ◦Slow impact of the external environment on the internal environment since the growth of technology in the Philippines is slow 2010 @ LIHernandez8

9 Approaches and Techniques of OD Planned Change Process (Lewin, 1951) Unfreezing Stage - Manifested disturbance in the present equilibrium and a decrease in the strength of old values, attitudes and behavior Changing Stage - This is action steps, also called intervention strategies, are implemented (e.g., education and training, counseling) Refreezing Stage - It entails the stabilizing of the changes. It also involves the evaluation of the stabilization process & refreezing methods 2010 @ LIHernandez9

10 Approaches and Techniques of OD Maintenance of the change ◦Periodic team meetings ◦Periodic intergroup meetings ◦Organization sensing meetings ◦Renewal conferences ◦Goal-directed performance reviews ◦Rewards ◦Periodic visits from consultants 2010 @ LIHernandez10

11 Results of OD Positive ResultsNegative Results More appreciative of the work Maintain quality of human resources Systematically looking at problems Teamwork Acceptance of change Backsliding Rapid changes in management Rapid turn-over Poor pro-people or people-centered OD practitioners 2010 @ LIHernandez11

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