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Lesson 10 Vocabulary Jose! Born to Dance. Border  The Americans had to cross the Mexican border on their way to South America.  The line where an area,

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10 Vocabulary Jose! Born to Dance. Border  The Americans had to cross the Mexican border on their way to South America.  The line where an area,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10 Vocabulary Jose! Born to Dance

2 Border  The Americans had to cross the Mexican border on their way to South America.  The line where an area, such as a country, ends and another area begins

3 Debut  The juggler had his debut on television that night.  A first public appearance, as a performer

4 Discouraged  After getting a nail in the foot, the discouraged child stopped running barefoot.  Less hopeful or enthusiastic

5 Hauling  I was hauling the books from my house to hers when I heard the news.  To move from one place to another, as with a truck

6 Mournful  The mournful owner buried his dog in the back of the yard.  Feeling, showing, or causing grief; sad

7 Permission  Our parents gave us permission to go to the movies.  Consent granted by someone in authority

8 Stubborn  I have the stubborn idea to be a teacher when I grow up.  A stubborn stain ruined the tablecloth.  Continuing to exist; lasting  Unyielding; difficult to deal with

9 Toured  We toured through Spain.  To go on a tour, to visit

10 Towering  The basketball hoop was towering over the child.  To rise very high

11 Triumph  Becoming a star is a triumph most performance artists long for.  The fact of being victorious

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