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Sec Math II 1.3.

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1 Sec Math II 1.3

2 Polynomials

3 Nomial: A name or term Monomials: x 3 7x Binomials: x +2 2x – 3 7 𝑥 Trinomial: 3 𝑥 2 + 5x – 2 −5 𝑥 2 +4𝑥 +6

4 Polynomials POLY nomials
Many terms each with the same variable raised to an integer power. 3 𝑥 2 + 5x 𝑥 𝑥 𝑥 2 + 2x + 9

5 Which look better to you ?
𝟑 𝒙 𝟑 + 5 𝒙 𝟕 + 8 or 𝟓 𝒙 𝟕 + 3 𝒙 𝟑 + 8 Standard Form: A polynomial arranged with terms having descending size of the exponents left to right.

6 Polynomials 8 𝑥 5 + 5 𝑥 4 −6 𝑥 3 − 2 𝑥 2 + 4 𝑥 1 - 10 Exponent
8 𝑥 𝑥 4 −6 𝑥 3 − 2 𝑥 𝑥 Exponent Coefficient

7 Polynomial or Not? 1. Y = 3 𝑥 𝑥 1/3 + 6 Why not? 2. Y = 5 𝑏 𝑏 Why not? 3. Y = 8 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚 Why not?

8 Your Turn Is this a polynomial ? −5 𝑥 4 + 𝑥 5 − 3 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 −3
−5 𝑥 𝑥 5 − 3 𝑥 𝑥 −3 Is this a polynomial? If it is, what is the degree of the polynomial? What is the lead coefficient?

9 Simplify Polynomials

10 Distributive property
EXAMPLE 1 Simplify by combining like terms 8x + 3x = (8 + 3)x Distributive property = 11x Add coefficients. 5p2 + p – 2p2 = (5p2 – 2p2) + p Group like terms. = 3p2 + p Combine like terms. 3(y + 2) – 4(y – 7) = 3y + 6 – 4y + 28 Distributive property = (3y – 4y) + (6 + 28) Group like terms. = –y + 34 Combine like terms.

11 Group like terms. Combine like terms. EXAMPLE 1
Simplify by combining like terms 2x – 3y – 9x + y = (2x – 9x) + (– 3y + y) Group like terms. = –7x – 2y Combine like terms.

12 State the problem. Group like terms. Combine like terms.
GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 8. Identify the terms, coefficients, like terms, and constant terms in the expression 2 + 5x – 6x2 + 7x – 3. Then simplify the expression. SOLUTION Terms: 2, 5x, –6x2 , 7x, –3 Coefficients: 5 from 5x, –6 from –6x2 , 7 from 7x Like terms: 5x and 7x, 2 and –3 Constants: 2 and –3 Simplify: 2 + 5x –6x2 + 7x – 3 State the problem. = –6x2 + 5x + 7x – 3 + 2 Group like terms. = –6x2 +12x – 1 Combine like terms.

13 Combine like terms. Group like terms. Combine like terms.
GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 Simplify the expression. 15m – 9m SOLUTION 15m – 9m = 6m Combine like terms. 2n – 1 + 6n + 5 SOLUTION 2n – 1 + 6n + 5 = 2n + 6n + 5 – 1 Group like terms. = 8n + 4 Combine like terms.

14 Group like terms. Combine like terms. Group like terms.
GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 3p3 + 5p2 – p3 SOLUTION 3p3 + 5p2 – p3 = 3p3 – p3 + 5p2 Group like terms. = 2p3 + 5p3 Combine like terms. 2q2 + q – 7q – 5q2 SOLUTION 2q2 + q – 7q – 5q2 = 2q2 – 5q2 – 7q + q Group like terms. = –3q2 – 6q Combine like terms.

15 Distributive property
GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 8(x – 3) – 2(x + 6) SOLUTION 8(x – 3) – 2(x + 6) = 8x – 24 – 2x – 12 Distributive property = 8x – 2x – 24 – 12 Group like terms. = 6x – 36 Combine like terms. –4y – x + 10x + y SOLUTION –4y – x + 10x + y = –4y + y – x + 10x Group like terms. = 9x –3y Combine like terms.

16 Evaluate

17 Substitute –3 for x. Evaluate power. Multiply. Add. EXAMPLE 1
Evaluate an algebraic expression Evaluate –4x2 –6x + 11 when x = –3. –4x2 –6x + 11 = –4(–3)2 –6(–3) + 11 Substitute –3 for x. = –4(9) –6(–3) + 11 Evaluate power. = – Multiply. = –7 Add.

18 1 2 Substitute 6 for x. Multiply. GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1 (–2)6
SOLUTION (–2)6 = (–2) (–2) (–2) (–2) (–2) (–2) = 64 5x(x – 2) when x = 6 2 SOLUTION 5x(x – 2) = 5(6) (6 – 2) Substitute 6 for x. = 30 (4) Multiply. = 120

19 3. Substitute –2 for y. Multiply. GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1
3y2 – 4y when y = – 2 3. SOLUTION 3y2 – 4y = 3(–2)2 – 4(–2) Substitute –2 for y. = 3(4) + 8 Multiply. = 20

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