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-Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States (NIDA, 2012). -About 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. result.

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Presentation on theme: "-Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States (NIDA, 2012). -About 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. result."— Presentation transcript:

1 -Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States (NIDA, 2012). -About 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. result in cigarette smoking (NIDA, 2012). -Cessation can significantly reduce this risk of suffering from smoking-related diseases such as throat, mouth, or lung cancer, that often requires repeated interventions so that smokers can quit smoking. -Of the smokers that attempt to quit, only a 4 to 7% succeed in staying abstinent without the use of medicine, therapy or any other help (American Caner Society, 2012). -NRT were the first pharmacological treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration that were used in smoking cessation (FDA,2013). -The FDA-approved NRT products include: chewing gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, inhalers, and lozenges -The switch of NRT to over-the-counter medication has increased the number of successful quitters in the U.S (Busch et al, 2004) -Burpropin (Zyban) and varenciline (Chantix) are two FDA-approved non-nicotine pharmacotherapies that effectively increase rates of long-term abstinence from smoking (NIFA,2012). The desire to quit smoking is there for most smokers (about 74% of most smokers want to quit), however the challenge is to increase their motivation to quit, and to help them succeed The key goal is to reduce smoking prevalence, all sectors of society in order to increase the efforts to reduce the use of tobacco and to encourage smoking cessation programs (Novello, 1990). There is a significant increase in long-term cessation with the combination of pharmacotherapy and NRT. Pharmacotherapy helps individuals with the pre- cessation obstacles of withdrawing from smoking and NRT products assist with the gradual long-term decrease of the nicotine tendency. Cynthia Cano, Erica Pecheck, Krizia Gould Dept. of Kinesiology, California State University, San Marcos, CA 92096 1. Busch, S.H, Falba, T.A, Duchovy, N., Jofre-Bonet, M., O’Malley, S.S., & Sindelar, J.L. (2004). Value to smoker of improved cessation products: Evidence from a willingness-to pay survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Reseach, 6(4): 631-639 2. Ferguson, S G, Ferguson, J G, Gitchell, S, et al. (2011). Providing accurate safety information may increase a smoker. Addictive behaviors, 36(7), 713-716. 3. Jiménez-Ruiz, C., Berlin, I., & Hering, T. (2009). Varenicline: a novel pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation. Drugs, 69(10), 1319-1338. doi:10.2165/00003495-200969100- 00003 4. Kralikova, E, Kmetova, A., Stepankova, L., Zvolska, K., Davis, R., & West, R. (2013). Fifty-two-week continuous abstinence rates of smokers being treated with varenciline versus nicotine replacement therapy. Society for the study of addiction, Additiction, 108: 1497-1502 Please conact Krizia Gould at or 951-230-5079 (cell) The Effectiveness of Replacement Therapies versus non- Nicotine Pharmacotherapies -This study aimed towards finding the most effective method for cessation between pharmacotherapy and NRT. -Two databases were used for the review of literature: EBSCO and Pub Med. -Some of the keywords used were “cessation”, “Nicotine Replacement Therapy”, “smoking” and “pharmacotherapies”. -Studies chosen included randomized, double- blinded, clinical trials, observational studies and self-report questionnaires. -Participants in these studies were of both races, age 16 or older and from a variety of other demographics, including socioeconomic status. -Three articles were reviews of literature for nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), interventions of pharmacotherapies and the efficacy of NRT’s -Two were survey’s of willingness to use and pay and the remaining five were clinical studies testing the effectiveness of pharmacotherapies and NRTs. IntroductionIntroduction Annual Deaths MethodsMethods ResultsResultsConclusionsConclusions ReferencesReferences For Further Information (CDC, 2013) -Misperceptions about NRT safety - 93% of smokers believed that smoking while wearing the nicotine patch caused heart attacks, 76% that nicotine gum/lozenge are not as addictive as cigarettes and 69% that NRT products are not as dangerous as cigarettes (Ferguson et al, 2011). -Weight management during cessation was seen as the highest obstacle to overcome in women (Busch et al, 2004). -28.4% of women were willing to spend more money if the product would prevent them from gaining weight -For individuals that have to pay out of their own pocket has shown to be a barrier due to costs (Busch et al, 2004). -53.3% did not use NRT products because they were too expensive (Ferguson, Gitchell, Shiffman, Sembower, Rohay & Allen, 2011). -Varenicline is a pharmacological product that has been seen to triple the odds of achieving continuous abstinence at 12 months after the beginning of treatment. -1 mg twice daily administration has demonstrated a greater efficacy compared to a placebo, 150 mg of bupropion twice daily or transdermal NRT in individuals between the ages 18-75 with no history of serious or unstable disease. -The continuous abstinence rate for the group receiving varenicline was 44%, bupropion was 29.5% and 17.7% in the placebo group. (Ruiz et al, 2009) -At a 52-week time span, varenicline showed an abstinence rate of 42.8% versus 31% (Kralikova et al, 2012). -In a study involving temporary abstinence from smoking, it was found that one in eight smokers reported to use NRT for temporary abstinence. -Most commonly used products were the patch (36.2%), gum (32%), inhaler (22.2%), lozenges (8.4%) and nasal spray (2.5%). -Regarding efficacy, 25.2% of the participants using NRT reported that the products are useful (Beard et al, 2012) -In a 12-month time span, compared to a control group receiving a placebo product, the nicotine gum showed a 29% success rate, nicotine inhaler followed second at 28% and nicotine nasal spray being third at 27% (Tonnesen, 2009).

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