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College Research & Application Overview A Presentation for Juniors and Parents March 5, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "College Research & Application Overview A Presentation for Juniors and Parents March 5, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Research & Application Overview A Presentation for Juniors and Parents March 5, 2015

2 Nate Mannetter- Insight from a College Admissions’ CounselorNate Mannetter- Insight from a College Admissions’ Counselor Four stages of the application processFour stages of the application process Factors in a college’s admission decisionFactors in a college’s admission decision Events to help with the college searchEvents to help with the college search NavianceNaviance Odds & EndsOdds & Ends Tonight’s Agenda

3 Nate Mannetter, Senior Admission Counselor at Gonzaga UniversityNate Mannetter, Senior Admission Counselor at Gonzaga University Perspective from the inside…

4 The Four Stages of the College Application Process 1- Research/ Planning/ Narrowing1- Research/ Planning/ Narrowing 2- Applying2- Applying 3- Financial Aid and Scholarships3- Financial Aid and Scholarships 4- Evaluating Offers and Making a Decision4- Evaluating Offers and Making a Decision

5 This is a very important, and often overlooked, time in the college planning process. Engage in self-reflection Engage in self-reflection Determine the factors that are most important to you in selecting a university Determine the factors that are most important to you in selecting a university Research Research Refine your list. Refine your list. Stage One: Now thru the Fall Research-Planning-Narrowing

6 Seniors will enter the list of colleges to which they plan to apply in to NavianceSeniors will enter the list of colleges to which they plan to apply in to Naviance The final list should be: –4-7 schools –A combination of Reach, Target, & Safety schools (factoring in both odds of admittance, and cost) –Well researched Both the school and the application processBoth the school and the application process Know requirements (such as whether letters of rec, or SAT II Subject Exams are required)Know requirements (such as whether letters of rec, or SAT II Subject Exams are required) Compiling a Final college list

7 –Students need to do the absolute best they can in their classes right now –Take the SAT/ACT (and possibly SAT Subject Exams ) before end of junior year (all juniors will take the ACT here April 28) –Take advantage of this summer- Volunteer, work, participate in an educational or travel experienceVolunteer, work, participate in an educational or travel experience Visit college campuses, and definitely spend time researching them onlineVisit college campuses, and definitely spend time researching them online Stage one (continued) Stage one (continued)

8 We will talk more about this in September, but here are some basics:We will talk more about this in September, but here are some basics: -Students will apply to a college using either the application on the college’s website, or… -Via the Common Application (given the choice, always use the Common Application) -Students need to have their test scores sent directly from the testing agency (SAT or ACT) -Each college will give specific instructions on what they require as part of their application Stage two: Applying (Fall)

9 Again, we’ll talk more about this next year, but here are a few things to do now: –Have open discussions about finances. –Talk to your son/daughter about what THEIR financial responsibilities will be. –When researching a college, be mindful of the cost of attendance, as well as aid that they offer. –Be straightforward about what your expectations are regarding applying for scholarships. –Scholarship “high season” is from about January-April of senior year, but there are some out there before then. Stage Three: (Fall/ Winter) Financial Aid and Scholarships

10 Students should have all notifications, and financial aid offers, by April 1.Students should have all notifications, and financial aid offers, by April 1. May 1 is National Candidates Reply Date.May 1 is National Candidates Reply Date. When the time comes, I am happy to help with this process too.When the time comes, I am happy to help with this process too. Remember to keep in mind the self-evaluation that you and your student did at the beginning of this process.Remember to keep in mind the self-evaluation that you and your student did at the beginning of this process. “College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won.” Stage Four: (Winter/ Spring) Evaluating Offers and Making a Decision

11 Factors in the Admissions Decisions ( Factors in the Admissions Decisions ( Percentage of colleges attributing different levels of importance to factors in the admission decision: 2011) ​ Factor ​ Considerable importance ​ Moderate Importance ​ Limited Importance ​ No importance Grades in college prep courses ​ ​ 84.3% ​ 11.9% ​ 2.3% ​ 1.5% Strength of curriculum ​ ​ 67.7 ​ 20.4 ​ 5.8 ​ 6.2 ​ Admission test scores (SAT, ACT). ​ 59.2 ​ 29.6 ​ 6.9 ​ 4.2 ​ Grades in all courses ​ 51.939.26.9 ​ 1.9 ​ Essay or writing sample ​ 24.9 ​ 37.5 ​ 17.2 ​ 20.3 ​ Student's demonstrated interest ​ 20.529.7 ​ 24.7 ​ 25.1 ​ Counselor recommendation ​ 19.239.8 ​ 27.2 ​ 13.8 ​ Class Rank ​ 18.8 ​ 31.0 ​ 31.4 ​ 18.8

12 Factors in the Admissions Decisions, continued ( Factors in the Admissions Decisions, continued ( SOURCE: NACAC Admission Trends Survey, 2011) ​ Factor ​ Considerable importance ​ Moderate Importance ​ Limited Importance ​ No importance ​ Teacher recommendation ​ 16.5 ​ 41.926.5 ​ 15.0 ​ Subject test scores (AP, IB) ​ 6.9 ​ 31.2 ​ 31.5 ​ 30.4 ​ Portfolio ​ 6.6 ​ 12.8 ​ 30.2 ​ 50.4 ​ Interview6.2 ​ 25.4 ​ 25.8 ​ 42.7 SAT II scores ​ 5.4 ​ 9.7 ​ 22.6 ​ 62.3 Extracurricular activities ​​ 5.0 ​ 43.138.1 ​ 13.8 ​ State graduation exam ​ 4.2 ​ 14.9 ​ 23.8 ​ 57.1 ​ Work ​ 2.317.0 ​ 43.2 ​ 37.5

13 Guaranteed Admittance for high school graduatesGuaranteed Admittance for high school graduates Transfer to a 4-year college after 1 or 2 years, and end up with the same Bachelor degree.Transfer to a 4-year college after 1 or 2 years, and end up with the same Bachelor degree. Certificate and Associate Degree optionsCertificate and Associate Degree options Dual-enrollment programs (Linn-Benton and OSU, for instance) are availableDual-enrollment programs (Linn-Benton and OSU, for instance) are available Deadlines are far later in the college timelineDeadlines are far later in the college timeline Financial Aid process is the sameFinancial Aid process is the same What about community colleges?

14 College Night for Seniors – late SeptemberCollege Night for Seniors – late September Financial Aid Night – early DecemberFinancial Aid Night – early December College visits at Marist (throughout the fall)College visits at Marist (throughout the fall) Common Application tutorial (fall)Common Application tutorial (fall) Marist events to help throughout the process

15 April 26- PNACAC Spring College Faire, at U of PortlandApril 26- PNACAC Spring College Faire, at U of Portland May 19-JET (Jesuit Excellence Tour) at Jesuit High School in PortlandMay 19-JET (Jesuit Excellence Tour) at Jesuit High School in Portland May 7- Willamette High School College & College Access Faire (6:30pm)May 7- Willamette High School College & College Access Faire (6:30pm) July 28- Colleges That Change Lives College Faire @ Portland Convention CenterJuly 28- Colleges That Change Lives College Faire @ Portland Convention Center October- PNACAC Fall College Faire, EugeneOctober- PNACAC Fall College Faire, Eugene Area events to help throughout the process

16 Naviance is essential throughout this process.Naviance is essential throughout this process. I rely on it as a communication tool between myself and the students. It is extremely important that students keep the information updatedI rely on it as a communication tool between myself and the students. It is extremely important that students keep the information updated It is also how students request a transcript, letters of recommendation, and how they notify us of colleges they have applied to.It is also how students request a transcript, letters of recommendation, and how they notify us of colleges they have applied to. Parents have their own log-in info- (if you need yours let me know)Parents have their own log-in info- (if you need yours let me know) A Note About Naviance

17 Do What You Are (Personality Type)/ Strengths SurveyDo What You Are (Personality Type)/ Strengths Survey Career Interest Profile (in Careers Section)Career Interest Profile (in Careers Section) Game PlanGame Plan Letter of Recommendation Request Form (in the fall)Letter of Recommendation Request Form (in the fall) Up-to-Date ResumeUp-to-Date Resume Naviance Tasks that students should complete by fall

18 Senior year courses should continue to be good preparation for universitySenior year courses should continue to be good preparation for university Admissions officers consider course rigor throughout high school INCLUDING senior yearAdmissions officers consider course rigor throughout high school INCLUDING senior year Dropping courses halfway through the year may impact a student’s application to universityDropping courses halfway through the year may impact a student’s application to university Mid-term grades are required by many colleges, and final grades are always required by college a student is attending.Mid-term grades are required by many colleges, and final grades are always required by college a student is attending. Please discuss this with your son/daughter as they register for next year’s coursesPlease discuss this with your son/daughter as they register for next year’s courses A Note about Course Selection and the College Process

19 Students who hope to be recruited for college athletics at NCAA or NAIA schools MUST complete the necessary forms online before they can be contacted.Students who hope to be recruited for college athletics at NCAA or NAIA schools MUST complete the necessary forms online before they can be contacted. If student is considering this, we should discuss it in our 1-on-1 meetings, and they need to make an appt. with Mrs. PimentalIf student is considering this, we should discuss it in our 1-on-1 meetings, and they need to make an appt. with Mrs. Pimental College Athletics

20 “A Pocket Guide to Choosing a College”“A Pocket Guide to Choosing a College” A timeline for Junior/Senior YearA timeline for Junior/Senior Year SAT/ACT InformationSAT/ACT Information “How to Pick a College” article“How to Pick a College” article “Useful Websites” handout “Useful Websites” handout “Opportunities” workbook“Opportunities” workbook A copy of your child’s current transcriptA copy of your child’s current transcript What’s in your packet?

21 Court Wirth (541) 681-5483 My contact info

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