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Colonial Life Chapter 4 lessons 1-2. In New England  Cold area, rocky soil  Life based around agriculture  Subsistence farming- they made enough for.

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1 Colonial Life Chapter 4 lessons 1-2

2 In New England  Cold area, rocky soil  Life based around agriculture  Subsistence farming- they made enough for their family to survive off of.  Entire family had a working part at home/on the farm  Small business: mills, blacksmiths, furniture making, shoemaking, ship building

3 Middle Colonies  Mild climate, fertile soil  Larger amounts of land to farm  Sold cash crops (easily sold crops, people wanted them)  NYC and Philadelphia became the largest cities (big for shipping)  Bigger businesses : mills, mines, ironworks  Large diversity because many settlers from all over  (Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands)

4 Southern Colonies  Warm, rich soil (perfect for rice and tobacco)  Most people farmed  Many plantations, located by water for easy shipping of crops  Plantations resembled small towns (chapels, schools, blacksmiths)  Growth of slavery

5 Slavery Growing  Already practiced in West Africa  Prisoners of war/raids were where most slaves came from  Did house work or worked the fields (mainly)  Slave Codes -rules for the enslaved people  Had to have written permission to leave plantation  Cant read/write  Severe punishment: whippings, beat, death

6 Government (English)  Protected rights (people had rights, no unjust treatment/punishment)  Representative Government (people elect representatives to make laws)  English Parliament: House of Lords (upper royal class), House of Commons (lower common people)  English Bill of Rights  Limits rulers power  Cannot suspend Parliament rules/laws, impose taxes, raise an army without Parliament consent  Right to a fair trial by jury  Banned cruel punishments

7 Government in America  Mainly charters and proprietary colonies (some ended up as royal)  Royal colonies- appointed governor by Parliament then An assembly was elected by the colonist  Causes friction in lower house b/c upper house followed whatever King/Parliament said without mutual decision making.  White men who owned land could vote  Still had more say than in England

8 Economics (English)  Mercantilism- theory of building wealth/power by increasing exports(selling to other countries) and gaining metals in return such as gold/silver  Export more  Import less (buying rom other countries)

9 Economics Continued  The Navigation Acts in 1650s  Forced colonies to sell/trade with England even if they could get a better deal b/w other countries.  If they bought goods from other places in Europe, it had to go through England to be taxed first.  Causes resistance, colonies want to import/export elsewhere

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